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Topic: «[SOLVED] Doing an OS re-install, is there ANY way I can use my paid license to re-intsall? » on forum: General   Views: 5318
Chris Andrews
Posted: 05/18/2017 16:17:37
Hi! First off I want to say AMM is excellent and I can't go back to Windows multi display "support" So I am about to do a fresh install of Win10 Home edition on my PC, but at the moment it has Win10 Pro. Is there any way at all I can use my current registration key to re-install AMM on what is essentially a new OS? I'm really broke currently and can't afford to buy a brand new year license. Thankyou regardless.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 05/19/2017 13:43:44
Hello Chris,

Thanks for the post!

Yes, here is the way. You should uninstall Actual Multiple Monitors from your previous OS, install it on new OS and register it with the same registration data.
Chris Andrews
Posted: 05/20/2017 19:57:26
Vasiliy Ivachev wrote:
Hello Chris,

Thanks for the post!

Yes, here is the way. You should uninstall Actual Multiple Monitors from your previous OS, install it on new OS and register it with the same registration data.

It also seems my subscription is past the period for free updates (currently v8.9.1) will this still be able to be installed on the new OS? Also how would I go about finding my registration info?

EDIT: Never mind sorry, I found the e-mail with my register info! Thankyou

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