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Topic: «Option to force a window to open on the same monitor everytime? , Actual Multiple Monitor » on forum: General   Views: 6446
Michael Mason
Posts: 55
Joined: 12/17/2007
Posted: 03/13/2017 00:11:24

I just got a dual monitor setup for the first time ever.

I am using Windows 10 And I noticed all windows always reopen on what ever monitor they were last on when closed.

Does Actual Multiple Monitor have an option to make windows that I choose to open on the monitor of my choice everytime?

Like for example If I closed Chrome Browser on monitor 2 the next time I open it I would like it to open on monitor 1.

Is that possible?

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/14/2017 00:06:15
Hello, Michael

Yes, Actual Multiple Monitors provides this functionality. The "Move to monitor at startup" option does exactly what you need. Go to Specific Settings for the program that you want to open on the exact monitor (for exampe the Specific Settings for Chrome: Configuration module > Window Settings > Specific Settings > Google Chrome) or create Specific Settings if there is no the standard one for the program. The feature available here: Startup > Move to monitor. You need to set it to "Exactly Specified" and choose the monitor from the list.

Here you can learn about how to create Specific Settings for particular window.

Let me know if I may be of any further assistance.

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