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Topic: «Second IE Window position , How to position a second window of same program » on forum: General   Views: 4867

Posts: 4
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posted: 12/22/2016 02:38:08
In my workflow, I occasionally need to open a second instance of Internet Explorer. I do this by shift-clicking Internet Explorer on the taskbar.

I want to use AWG to have it position the first one in the bottom right of my second monitor and then the second instance in the top left of the same monitor. I can't figure out how to get AWG to react to a second instance of the same exact window.

Of course, it would be nice to have a default fall back position for the third or later instances if I lose track of my workflow and forgot I already had two open.

Thanks for your help.

Anderson Nascimento Nunes
Posts: 6
Joined: 12/21/2016
Posted: 12/22/2016 14:43:08
I think that could be accomplished if you somehow changed the title of the window.

Instead of opening the default home page, you could create a shortcut that opened a page that you never visit for your workflow (maybe some .htm page saved to your disk, so you don't need to load a remote page), then a rule made to detect the title of that page could be used to position the window wherever you need it to be. You would need one shortcut for each different position.

Posts: 4
Joined: 12/22/2016
Posted: 12/23/2016 00:16:08
Thank you, sir. Great idea.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/23/2016 17:55:24
Hello, gentlemen

DesertDwarf, unfortunately for now there is no way to create different rules for several instances of exactly same windows, but we'll consider this as a feature request.

For now the only way to achieve what you need is, as Anderson wrote, to make window captions of these several windows differ (by using different shortcuts) and create Specific Settings for each of these windows enabling the Window Caption criterion as a Target Window parameter and specifying the caption text of the corresponding window (manually or by dragging the crosshair tool over the window for the automatic criterion filling).
When you have different Settings for these window, you can set the initial placement for them independently, but remember that the caption changes as you open other tabs in Internet Explorer windows, so if you reapply settings with other tab open then other settings are applied to the window.

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