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Topic: «Windows not responding? » on forum: General   Views: 2860
Eric Gooch
Posts: 10
Joined: 01/16/2012
Posted: 04/21/2016 01:09:38
Having a strange problem with Actual Windows Manager 8.8 and Windows 10 x64.

AWM is running, and I'm able to set different windows as "targets" for the Specific Settings panel, but any changes I make, such as size of window, or number of Title buttons, has no effect.

I'm verifying that the correct window is being set, as I'm able to use the "Sel ect fr om running programs" method, and when I click the "Flash Window" button, the correct window flashes.

But I can't get the window to actually accept any changes I try to make. Anybody know what might cause this?

Example: I'll change which title buttons I want to show. Then I'll click the Apply button. This used to work fine, but it's not now.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/21/2016 14:59:04
Hello, Eric

First of all, make sure, that the Specific Settings you're changing are applied to the window. You can easily know what Settings are applied to a particular window by right clicking its title bar and hovering the mouse pointer over the Manage Window Settings item: the submenu will appear and the first line of it will contain the name of the Settings that are applied to the window.

If the applied settings are correct but the title buttons still don't appear etc, could you tell the name of the program for which window you're trying to adjust the settings? Does it happen with all windows?

Does it have any AWM title buttons/window menu items initially (from processing by Default Settings)?

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