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Topic: «AMM Mirrored Desktop Shortcuts? , Same desktop shortcuts on two monitors? » on forum: General   Views: 2412
Tim Backer
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Joined: 04/08/2016
Posted: 04/08/2016 06:07:51
I'm testing out AMM 8.8 for a project.

I'm running AMM with two identical monitors and have the taskbar / start menu duplicated across both monitors.  I want to use the monitors as though they are two independent computers, and have pretty much set up AMM to work like that.  I'm satisfied with that part.

The last step I'm trying to figure out is that, while they operate independently, I want the shortcuts on the desktop to be identical.  If I add a shortcut to app XYZ on monitor 1, I want it to also to show up on monitor 2, preferably with the same layout.  It doesn't necessarily need to work that way in reverse (add to monitor 2, shows up on 1).  I'd just like both monitors to show whats in the Windows Desktop folder.

Is this possible in AMM, or do I need another product in addition?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/08/2016 16:21:45
Hello, Tim

I want the shortcuts on the desktop to be identical. If I add a shortcut to app XYZ on monitor 1, I want it to also to show up on monitor 2, preferably with the same layout.
Unfortunately, our program doesn't provide such ability.

We'll consider this as a feature request.

Best regards.

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