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Topic: «Possible? - Fullscreen application in window , .. while running another fullscreen application on another window. » on forum: General   Views: 2231
The Sempie
Posts: 2
Joined: 03/21/2016
Posted: 03/21/2016 19:32:40
Note: I did not purchased <Actual Multiple Monitors> so far, I will purchase it, if it can solve my problem.

I have several physical monitors, for simplicity let's call them A#1 and #2.
I'm running a full screen application, let's say a video game for example, on #2.
I'm also running a full screen application, let's say a HTML5 video, on #2.

Everything works so far, no problem.

Now I want the video on #2 to NOT cover the entire monitor #2, but only a part , let's say the left half.
On the other part , I wan't to display anything else, let's say the windows explorer, or a browser or whatever.

I've looked at several comparable programs, but none of these where able to handle a "windowed" full screen application.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/24/2016 12:57:34
Hello, Sempie

Probably, theResctrict placement feature might help you: it will allow you to limit the area of possible placement for the video player window. This option might affect or may not affect the full screen mode of the video player (it depends on particular video player). Anyway, you should try it. You'll have to create specific settings for the video player and adjust the Restrict placement feature for it.

What video player are you going to make open this way?

Let me know the results.

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