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Topic: «Indicator for Window with Focus » on forum: General   Views: 2706
cliff neville
Posts: 51
Joined: 05/30/2012
Posted: 01/06/2016 02:35:24
Can Actualtools be set to show some indicator for the current window with focus?  

I have five monitors, and by far the biggest problem is constantly clicking the window I think I'm going to type into because I can't tell by looking, which window has focus.  I tried some software a few years ago that dimmed the screens of the non-focus monitors, but it took way too long (3 seconds) to do the dimming.  I just need some indicator to know which window has focus, like a yellow dot in the title or icon, or a yellow border around the window, or something.  Can AMM do this?
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/13/2016 14:28:24
Hello, cliff.

For now it's unlikely that we implement such feature, because standard WIndows settings let you do something similar to what you describe: you can set the contrast color theme and adjust the colors for active and inactive windows. Have you tried that?

Also, Actual Window Manager and some other our products let you to set the transparency level for inactive windows. You can set it so that inactive windows is for example 50% transparent, which lets you to easily distinguish the active window.

Best regards.
cliff neville
Posts: 51
Joined: 05/30/2012
Posted: 01/14/2016 06:03:02
That makes sense.  I'll look into playing with the Windows settings.

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