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Topic: «Help NEEDED » on forum: General   Views: 2681
david deacon
Posts: 1
Joined: 12/04/2015
Posted: 12/04/2015 05:39:16
i have used AMM in the past and I love it. however, i just installed it on a new laptop running windows 8 and i am unable to get the configuration that i need.

I do not want to clone the primary monitor and each time i uncheck the box "clone this monitor to" and hit apply, then ok it comes right back and what i end up with is every icon that is on the primary monitor is also on the secondary monitor which is not how i want it setup. i want 2 separate monitors, with monitor 2 only having the icon and programs on it, that i drag over to it. my mouse should not be doing the same thing on both monitors (mirroring i guess). there should only be one mouse pointer.

any help would be appreciated
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/08/2015 16:29:21
Hello, David

Are you able to set the Multiple displays option of the standard Windows "Screen Resolution" settings window to "Extend desktop to this display" with AMM disabled?

Could you do the following: Set the option like i wrote above, then open the Configuration window of AMM without starting AMM, uncheck the "Clone this monitor to" option and see whether it becomes checked again. Let us know the results.

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