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Topic: «Desktop Divider per Virtual Desktop? , Can you have a desktop divider profile per virtual desktop? » on forum: General   Views: 3514
James Nixon
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Posts: 1
Joined: 10/25/2014
Posted: 10/25/2014 07:39:41
I've tried to find the setting to see if this is possible.  It would be great if I could have a unique desktop divider profile auto-associate with a virtual desktop.  Does this feature currently exist?  I'm a programmer and I'm loving the virtual desktops but my windows, per virtual desktop, need different layouts based on the task I'm performing (testing, coding, debugging, etc...).  Thanks in advance.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 11/21/2014 17:26:05
Thank you for posting, James!

I apologize for being late with a reply.

There has been a request which to me sounds quite similar - to incorporate all settings across all tabs - Multiple Monitors, Virtual Desktops, and Window Settings under Desktop Profiles.

Should I create a separate entry for your request or bump up the existing one by adding Desktop Divider settings there? What do you think?

Best regards.

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