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Topic: «Couple of forum issues » on forum: General   Views: 5424
Adam Chapman
Posts: 18
Joined: 11/14/2013
Posted: 07/09/2014 14:22:26
The "next page" link doesn't seem to forward you to the next page in a thread. Instead it returns to the main forum. You have to click on the page number at the forum overview to access subsequent messages in a thread once it goes over the page limit.

Another annoying thing is that the reply button is on the left hand side while the the "add new topic" button sits across at the right. So many times i've written long replies and accidentally pressed "Add new topic" trying to reply. Going back on the browser then loses all the text written in the reply. It seems more logical to have the Reply and View buttons on the right hand side with add new topic directly under them to save mistakes from happening.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 07/14/2014 21:07:42
Thank you for your message, Adam.

I haven't managed to find a broken Next page link. Could you give me a link to any page having that issue?

We will consider moving the buttons you wrote about to the right, thank you!

Best regards.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 08/18/2014 19:05:32
Hi Adam and Alexander,

The "Next" button always works fine for me, I have not experienced the problem you have described Adam. Also, I have not had any issue with the Add New Topic button in the past (and I have written quite few posts), but that does not mean others cannot have issues with it.

What I have an issue with is something else: the page numbers and Next and Previous buttons are only included at the top of each page when I am reading a thread. This is rather cumbersome: I read from top to bottom, but when I have read the last post I have to scroll back to the top to go to the next page. I would appreciate having these items appear both at the top and the bottom of each thread, which is the way it is done in each forum overview.

Best regards.
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 08/18/2014 21:00:06
Thank you for your request, Pim! It's done!
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 08/18/2014 22:07:05
Wow, that is fast Alexander! Thanks! [and here I wanted to include a thumbs up smiley, but there isn't any. Maybe it is an idea to add a couple of smileys?]

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