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Topic: «[Forum] Forum Bugs / Feature Requests , Code, Modify, Quote, Preview, Subscribe, Upload » on forum: General   Views: 8134
Tristan Wolf
Posts: 44
Joined: 02/21/2007
Posted: 02/27/2007 02:47:42

I have identified a number of bugs for your forums and have a number of feature requests to make.


When creating a new post, the forums provide some nice formatting functionality, such as bold text, italic text, etc.  One such functionality is the [ CODE ] feature, which should provide preformatted monospace text. However, I do not believe this is working. It does not appear to do display preformatted text. It does not appear to display monospace text. Interestingly enough, one effect of using CODE is that it will not display a backslash (\) - ASCII character 92. I doubt this is intentional.


Backslash: \

- Heading
  - Sub heading
    - Information

After creating a new post, I am able to modify that post, using the the button at the bottom of the post.

However, once there is a reply made to that post, I am unable to modify the original post.  Even if I am the one who has replied to that post (to add additional information), I am unable to modify the original post - however, I am able to modify my new post.

I believe I should be able to modify my posts for subject changes, content, spelling corrections, clarification, etc. at any time, regardless if there has been a response made to my post or not.

Post I created and responded to

Feature Requests

When viewing a thread, there is a button at the upper right hand corner of each post labeled "Quote".  Clicking on this button does not appear to have any action / affect if there is no text selected.  I would expect the quote function to quote the entire post if not specific text is selected.

Please add functionality to the forums that allows users to preview a post before posting it to the forums.  It can be frustrating when creating a long email detailing a bug and accidentally forget to close a tag.

Can you please offer some method that allows users to automatically subscribe to threads they post to.  This is instead of having to select the "Subscribe for new messages" checkbox each time.  That is too easy to forget sometimes.

Would there be any way that you would allow users to upload small files to your server, such as screenshots or configuration files.  This would assist in creating bug threads or ask questions.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 02/27/2007 08:41:19
Tristan, thanks for the rich feedback. I have forwarded your request to our webmaster so I believe that soon features you requested will be properly implemented.
Tristan Wolf
Posts: 44
Joined: 02/21/2007
Posted: 03/08/2007 01:37:55
Thank you very much.  As always, I appreciate your help.

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