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Topic: «More Than Two Monitors? , More Than Two Monitors? » on forum: General   Views: 4349
Don Gateley
Posts: 1
Joined: 07/26/2013
Posted: 07/26/2013 09:24:16
Can Actual Multiple Monitors handle more than two monitors?  I have three, the laptop's main display, a large extended monitor connected via a USB to DisplayPort adapter and now an Oculus Rift display connected via HDMI.  I want the ability to send a window in full screen from either my laptop's display or my extended display to the Oculus Rift display and pull it back without interacting with it on that display, i.e. via a menu on my main display or a right click selection on the window's task bar icon.

I'm not interested for now in having more than one Task Bar or Start or Notification Area.

If you can do this the Oculus Rift SDK users might provide you some customers and I'd be happy to post a heads up in the forums pertaining to it.  Most users have configurations similar to mine with three.  Conveniently getting game and application windows onto and back from the Rift display the way you would want to see them is problematic at the moment because the mouse is not a really suitable way to do it and this would be a great solution.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 09/09/2013 13:31:47
Hello Don

Windows can be moved from monitor to monitor with the hotkey in our program, but not all applications can be moved from monitor to monitor in the fullscreen mode correctly, especially games. Some of them are not displayed fully on the other monitor, some of the won't move at all.

Best regards.

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