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Topic: «5 Monitor Digital Photo Collage / Art Installation , Can Multiple Monitors be used for this application » on forum: General   Views: 6852
Chris Redford
Posts: 1
Joined: 12/11/2012
Posted: 12/11/2012 12:47:51
Hi all,

I am planning a build of wall hanging system. The overall effect is to have a 6'x3' digital collage display. I am hoping to show a seperate slide show or screen saver/slideshow on each monitor showing HD still photos and potentially one screen dedicated to video. the idea is to sort all portrait photos to a folder that would go to a portrait monitor and do the same for the Landscape photos - 5 folders for 5 monitors and dedicate a slideshow/folder to a monitor.

See Attached Diagram

It will be comprised of 5 monitors hooked into either:

Option #1 two dual dvi cards (4 ports total) with either onboard video out or a third video card supplying the 5th port.

Option #2 Single dual dvi card (2 ports), onboard video and two USB to vga/DVI adapters

Before I start, I would like to know if Actual Multiple Monitors is a product I could count on to pull this off and if one of these configurations would present less trouble than another?

Thanks for your help,


Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 12/12/2012 01:36:38
Hello Chris.

Yes, with Actual Multiple Monitors you're able to run separate slide shows on separate screens.

You can download the current version of Actual Window Manager or the previous version of Actual Multiple Monitors and test these functions during the trial period. Unfortunately, Actual Multiple Monitors current version trial works properly for only 32x operational systems and it won't have trial period beginning from the next version.

Best regards.
Chris Redford
Posts: 1
Joined: 09/19/2014
Posted: 09/19/2014 22:53:12
Thanks Bogdan,

After 1.5 years of procrastination and collecting the materials, I finally got around to testing the system last night. IT WORKS!

I will be building the wall mounting frame now to complete the project.
Monitor #1 Insignia TV
Monitor #2-#6 19" 4:3 ratio monitors rotating the backgrounds as individual slideshows with varying display times.

My HTPC running XBMC - all is working flawlessly!

Thank you


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