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Topic: «Get the money back , I want my money back » on forum: General   Views: 6083
Alesandro Sanchez
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Posts: 1
Joined: 09/09/2012
Posted: 09/16/2012 18:26:29
I tried sending a mail to but I got nothing back.

When I bought it it said that I could get my money back if I asked for it within 30 days.

I can't see anywhere on the site where I to contact you except for this.

So please explain the necessary steps for doing so.

Thank you.
The Sempie
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 03/21/2016
Posted: 03/21/2016 19:40:25
As a potential customer (I'm currently thinking about buying <Actual Multiple Monitors>), I'd like to know, if this problem was solved or not.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4060
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/24/2016 16:47:30
Hello, gentlemen

Alesandro, i was unable to find any emails with this name specified. Could you tell what email address or name is specified in the emails that you've sent?

If you want to get a refund, you should send us your registration data: email address and name, which you've specified during the purchase, order ID. If you're sending the refund request from the same email address that you've specified during the purchase, this email address is enough for us to provide you a refund.

Best regards.

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