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Topic: «Can/Could Multiple Monitors control screen brightness » on forum: General   Views: 5558
Paul Sauls
Posts: 1
Joined: 04/03/2012
Posted: 04/03/2012 10:13:31

I'm wondering if there Multiple Monitors has or could have the capability to control individual monitor brightness levels with something like a dimmer slide control?  

Another issue along those same lines...can MM profiles be set to deactivate certain monitors fr om the group?  I have an eight monitor setup with 4 over 4 and I'd like to be able to sometimes only use one or two monitors.  It would be nice to have a software control for either dimming or deactivating specific monitors.  I have AMD graphics cards and the AMD Catalyst control program is VERY slow and gives me fits every time I make an adjustment to the monitor configuration.  Was hoping there would be a simpler way to manage which displays were active at any given time.

I tried downloading some free software called "Display Tuner", but it can't recognize my multiples, likely due to the graphics card lim itations.  Btw, I'm using two XFX HD6970 cards for my displays.  Thanks for any help!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4095
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/16/2012 01:30:23
Hello Paul.

Actual Multiple Monitors has the capabilty to disable/enable certain secondary monitors as well as all secondary monitors at once.

Unfortunately, there is no capability to control monitor brightness and most likely it won't be implemented.

Best regards.

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