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Topic: «Monitor 2 , Taskbar Monitor 2 » on forum: General   Views: 5692
william holder
Registered user
Posts: 1
Joined: 07/03/2011
Posted: 07/03/2011 14:32:17
When I move an item from primary monitor to the secondary for example my email screen there is no tab in the taskbar of the secondary monitor and if I minimize it then there is no way to bring it back up..

I know there is a way to fix this but I have tried many,many times to no avail..Thanks for your help...
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 07/03/2011 21:47:25
Hello William,

Thanks for the post.

What our product do you have (name, version)?

What OS are you running (name, 32 or 64-bit)?

What applications do you have this problem with (names, versions)?

Could you send me your configuration files (Actual Tools software -> the "Send your configuration files to the Actual Tools technical support" button)?

Best regards.

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