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Topic: «Minimizing Problem » on forum: General   Views: 6152
adam z
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Posts: 1
Joined: 10/17/2010
Posted: 10/17/2010 22:00:21
I'm currently using a trial version of Actual Multiple Monitors 2.3, and I'm absolutely loving it and learning already I'm going to have to purchase this than live without it. My problem is more of an annoyance more than anything. I'm using 2 monitors. Here's my problem. Say I open two internet explorer windows in my 2nd monitor, and then I move those windows to monitor 1. When I do this, the monitors as well as the task bars retain the new change. But when I go to minimize the windows, they minimize back to monitor 2. This rule applies visa versa. I can work around it if I consciensly remember the problem, but sometimes I swap out screens and get into a big minimizing mess full of reversed task bars... solvable? Thanks ahead of time for any help.
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 10/18/2010 23:41:16
Dear Adam,

Could you describe your problem with more details?

1. What is the version (including service pack info) and edition (32/64 bit) of your system?
2. What editiion and version of your IE?
3. Did you change any settings in AMM configuration? If yes, please, send us it.

4. Could you make screenshots with the problem?

All information you can sent to us via email


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