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Topic: «Actual Title Buttons competitor/inspiration? » on forum: General   Views: 9610
Posted: 06/16/2005 08:49:04
Isn't Actual Title Buttons kind of a rip-off of MinMaxExt... by Reveng... Company? Seems most features in Actual Title Buttons was added just about after they were added in MimaxExt... Just wondering. :?:  
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 06/19/2005 23:24:26

Thank you very much for your interest to our programs.

We started to develop the first version of Actual Title Buttons on summer 2001 and released it at May 1, 2002 and we used only our own ideas what and how to do.

We heard about MinMaxExt... at September 2004 only when the Reveng... Company suspended their operations for year at July 2003.

Michael Tretyakov
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!
Tobiel Sayre
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Joined: 07/14/2005
Posted: 08/06/2005 14:40:48
Guest wrote:
Seems most features in Actual Title Buttons was added just about after they were added in MimaxExt... Just wondering

I have just contacted Inspector Clouseau to look into the theft. Here is what he is saying now:

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Quite frankly, for a while until I knew both programs better I was wondering why both TWEAK WINDOW and ACTUAL WINDOW MANAGER or TITLE BUTTONS were both by Russians and had some features a bit similar. Now I know they are developed and improved independently. Then I read this comment and know these programs are not copying each other either. I trust Michael and dont really care who was 1st. Remember the invention of the telephone? Oh, well...

Its nice to have the RSS feed here plus I subscribe to E-mails, sometimes I even gave Michael a copy of other companies newsletters for his interest because of 1 or 2 suggestions exactly because these programs do differ substantially in their updates.

This is still my favorite here, and in the long run I think using one manager will be enough, plus using several at once does cause side effects. 8)

Hey that Clouseau just copied my style! I WAS THE FIRST INSPECTOR. Greetings, Pink Panther

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SATYROBE/TAXIFUNK/Tobiel Sayre registered user; non-staff

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