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Topic: «New version 3.6 of Actual Window Manager and other programs » on forum: Announcements   Views: 10683
Michael Tretyakov
Posts: 61
Joined: 03/16/2005
Posted: 04/05/2005 23:41:16
Hi everyone:

I'm glad to inform that April 6, 2005 we have released the new version 3.6 of our Actual Window Manager and other programs!

We added several new features and the most important in my opinion is the new way to create the custom Window Rules for specific windows.

The new item "Create Window Rule" is included in the system window menu of all windows. With a right mouse click on the window title call a menu and follow the item "Create Window Rule" to create a rule for this window.

The new rule will be created automatically and what is left is to specify the actions which you would like to apply to this window.

I hope that this feature helps you to use our programs more easily and at their's full potential.

Also we added:
- New option "Restore total visibility to the window" is added to Resize Window action. It enables to enlarge the window without having it partly hidden beyond the bottom right-hand corner of your desktop. The window is automatically shifted in the top left-hand corner direction and thus recovers entire visibility.

- New "Do not add icon to the tray" option is added to "Minimize to Tray" action. This option is useful for windows that have their own tray icons, such as Microsoft Outlook 2003, Windows Messenger and so on.

- The functioning logic of the action Run Mode is modified. Now it's in progress in 100% of cases. In earlier versions Internet Explorer Maximization sometimes failed to function.

- Custom window rules are added in for the browsers Mozilla Firefox and Opera. Moreover, some settings of already existing rules are modified.

- The defect in holding-up the window after its deactivation to minimize it to tray is corrected. In version 3.5 the value of this option couldn't be reset, the hold-up was fixed always as 0.

More information about Actual Window Manager you may find at

Michael Tretyakov
Actual Tools
Handy Tools for Windows! Make your day-to-day Windows activities easier and more productive!

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