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Topic: «New version 4.0 of Actual Window Manager and other programs , Information about the major update of Actual Tools » on forum: Announcements   Views: 10323
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 05/05/2006 09:44:40
Hi all,

We are very glad to announce that May 5, 2006 we finally released the long-awaited major update version 4.0 of our Actual Window Manager and other programs.

The following fixes and improvements were made:
1) The Configuration Module's user interface is redesigned totally.
2) Settings file size is significantly reduced comparing to the previous
3) Executable modules' size and run-time memory consumption are slightly
4) The Help contents is redesigned almost from scratch.
5) The Help system has become context-sensitive.
6) Added the ability to copy window rules.
7) Added the ability to customize an icon for a particular Specfic Window rule.
8) Added the ability to automatically create the e-mail message with the
   attached configuration file.
9) Window Selector tool form now has the "Refresh" button.
10) Window Selector's "Flash window" indication is improved: now it shows
   the window border even for a covered windows and also flashes window's
   taskbar button.
11) "Create/Modify window rule" window menu option was transformed into
   a submenu named "Manage Window Rule" which provides the following abilities
   for a particular window:

   - create a new/modify the existent Specific Window rule
   - create an Excluded Window rule
   - re-apply the window rule
12) If a window was processed with the particular Specific Window rule the
   "Modify window rule" window menu item now indicates this rule's name.
13) Added the ability to customize some user interface's options (like toolbars'
   buttons size).
14) Now every new Specific Window rule is created using the All Windows rule as
   a template.
15) Added the "Restore to Defaults" command which resets a particular Specific
   Window rule's options to All Windows rule's options.
16) The correct scaling of the user interface forms is implemented when using
   the non-standard screen DPIs.
17) Added the ability to set different settings for the different window
   events/states for the following properties:

   transparency level - for the creation, movement, resizing, deactivation,
                        mouse hovering, title bar double-click,
                        "Transparency" title button
   priority level     - for the creation, minimization, deactivation,
                        "Priority" title button

18) Added the ability to combine automatically some window states:

   transparency - with stay-on-top, ghost
   rollup       - with stay-on-top

19) Added the ability to provide a shift values when a window is aligned.
20) Added the ability to set the desired width/height values as a percent of
   the corresponding desktop size.
21) Window Finder internal tool was adapted for the detection of the
   current window size and position.
22) Minimization-to-tray and minimization-on-screen actions were unified into a
   single action named "AltMin" (Alternatively Minimize) which provides the
   unified options and the ability to select the minimization mode on the fly.
23) The ghost mode was separated from the transparency and now can be turned
   on independently.
24) Added the new title buttons items for the following actions:
   Ghost, Change Priority.
25) Added the new window menu items for the following actions:
   Ghost, Change Priority.
26) Added the indication of the current state for the following title buttons:
   AltMin, Change Transparency, Align, Resize, Ghost, Change Priority.
27) Added the skin support for the title buttons to fit them into the different
   visual themes.
28) Added the ability to change the order of title buttons' appearance.
29) Added the ability to enable/disable all the extra title buttons for a
   particular window rule.
30) Added the ability to enable/disable all the extra window menu items for a
   particular window rule.
31) Added the ability to "freeze" the window stay-on-top state which
   prevents the application from resetting this state.
32) The recognition of window mouse-hovering is improved.
33) Fixed the bug with Windows Movie Maker: it had hung after stream capture was
34) Fixed the bug with Adobe Photoshop: the image window had lost the focus
   after selecting any tool in the Tools panel.
35) Fixed the bug with the Windows folders: if you close the rolled up
   folder window then it will be restored with the incorrect size.

More information about Actual Window Manager you may find at or you may download the full functional 60-days trial version at

Best regards,
Alexey Fadeyev
Actual Tools

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