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Topic: «Please re-download the 6.0 installation packages , Some flaws are fixed after the initial 6.0 » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 6348
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 02/19/2010 02:48:26
Dear beta-testers,

I'd like to inform you that we've just uploaded updates for version 6.0 (version number hasn't changed) of Actual Window Manager and Actual Window Guard, Actual Virtual Desktop version 2.1, and Actual Multiple Monitors version 2.0.

If you have downloaded one of these products before February 19, 2010, please re-download the updated packages, and re-install them.

The following bugs fixed:
1. Configuration module could hang when switching from Multiple Monitors tab to Window Rules tab.
2. Move to Monitor at Startup options in the Default Window Rule settings were missing in Actual Window Guard.
3. After upgrading from previous versions, Move to Monitor settings could become inconsistent.

Please, accept my apologies for these bugs sneaked into the release!

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