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Topic: «So... May I have a key for AWM 6.0? , This is awkward » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 21737
Paul Genovese
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Posted: 02/16/2010 18:14:25

It is not about a free key.  It's more about where did the Actual Tools guys go?

I've paid for every upgrade of Actual Tools since, I don't know when as I've been using it for so long I don't remember when I started.  I have also been a beta tester and a big promoter of their products, directly resulting in sales of their products.

But none of that is the point at all.  The point is the Actual Tools guys apparently released a product from beta without a word here.  I have beta tested their products several times over the years, and I don't ever remember a new version coming out without an announcement to the testers when it was released.

As far as the "free license" is concerned:  This was a very nice gesture from Actual Tools to those active testers in the forum reporting bugs.  They switched from a point release to a whole version release mid-beta, which is certainly their prerogative.  However, they felt it was fair to make the free upgrade offer to testers, a decision I very much appreciate.  

I will purchase an upgrade if they decide to pull the offer, and would have no hard feelings about it at all.  But they did make the kind offer, so why wouldn't those it affected ask about it before the beta version expires?  Especially if there was no word from the Actual Tools folks here.
Advanced user
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Posted: 02/16/2010 18:52:00
Yeah, there is the quote from AT that takes the "boldness" out of publicly asking for a key to AWM 6.0:

[T]he following groups of our customers will receive the free license for the new version:

   * our valued beta testers (to specify - those we consider our constant beta testers and everyone who sent us a bug report or posted a message in the Beta Testing forum section since the moment 5.5 beta 1 was released till this announcement)
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 02/16/2010 22:51:35
Hello everyone,

I’d like to sorry for the delay with the announcements about version 6.0, and for our long absence. Please believe me, we haven’t gone anywhere. We’ve just took a small time-out.

As you might notice, this version took us a lot of time, much more than previous ones. A lot of time, and a whole lot of effort. So, after we’ve put the setups to the server, we’ve decided to slowdown a bit, just to make sure we won’t get crazy or something ;)

We are going to post an official announcement in just a couple of days both onsite, and via email.
I’m asking you to treat this situation with understanding, and wait a bit.

And of course we won’t forget to send free serial numbers to our active beta-testers. Tatyana has already sent more than 50 such serials.

Thank you all for keeping interest in our software, and for your assistance in making it better!
Paul Genovese
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Posted: 02/17/2010 08:27:18
Thanks for the post Alexander.  We understand and appreciate all of the AT team's efforts.  Your time off is well deserved.
Tatiana Jack
Posts: 616
Joined: 08/06/2008
Posted: 02/24/2010 01:31:10
Dear Scott,

We sent you your free key twice, please confirm if you received it.

Gerard Booth
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Posted: 02/24/2010 05:15:38
Tatiana, how can I purchase an Upgrade key for Version 6,
I have tried several times from the Upgrade Centre but it will not recognise either my version 4 or 5 key.
I have sent a couple of emails to support as requested but heard nothing back yet.

Best Regards

Gerard Booth
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 02/24/2010 06:50:27

Tatiana already sent you the free key for the version 6.0 (you deserved it as our active and constant beta tester) on February 15. I'm now trying to re-send it via personal forum message - hope you'll receive this time.
Gerard Booth
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Posted: 02/24/2010 07:11:12
Alex, Tatiana, Thank you, I have retrieved the licence key from the personal forum message. I can confirm I never received any email message from you and I would guess you never recieved mine, so the problem could possibly be at my end.

I honestly did not expect to receive a licence for version 6 free of charge, I did not encounter all the issues other users had seen and therefore did not consider that I took an active enough part in the beta test. I am however very grateful and offer my thanks again.

Best Regards

Gerard Booth

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