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Topic: «foobar2000 window placement , Program Window location cannot be changed » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 24302
Glenn Wilcox
Posts: 19
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 01/17/2010 20:00:49
AWM 6.0 B1 with foobar2000

Actual Window Manager program seems to have no effect on being able to control placement of window for foobar2000 audio player program- anywhere, the Actual Tools Menus do appear properly, but for example, trying to 'center' program window by left-clicking, the AWT menu does appear but selecting > Alignment> Middle-Center has no effect, as nor does any other menu selection.


DELL Inspiron XPS Gen 2 laptop
Windows 7 Ultimate Release Version
Actual Window Manager 6.0b1
foobar2000 1.0
Matt Rasmussen
Posts: 107
Joined: 05/25/2008
Posted: 01/17/2010 20:13:13
Do a search, unfortunatly the writers if foobar2000, while a nice program, are unwilling to 'unlock' support for third party control of their window.
Glenn Wilcox
Posts: 19
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 01/17/2010 22:00:37
Thanks for the information Matt, I read the relevant info and see that it is a known issue and it is a problem with foobar itself- thanks for the heads up!
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 01/20/2010 20:28:41
I have used foobar2000 for a long time, and I'm now running fb2k 1.0, and it works fine with AWM.  Here are my settings for detecting the fb2k main window.

Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 01/21/2010 22:54:41

We've tried to download the latest fb2k version, and it seems that it's still incompatible with AWM.
Startup action are applied, but then none of title buttons or menu items works at all.

Are you sure that AWM's functions work well in fb2k 1.0?
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 01/28/2010 09:11:34
Sorry, I did not receive notification that a new post had been made in this thread.

I am using AWM 6.0 beta 1 and fb2k 1.0, on WinXP Pro SP3.  Startup actions work for me, and after that, the fb2k title bar buttons work fine, and the title bar buttons that AWM adds to fb2k also work fine.  The fb2k toolbar and menu also work fine.  In other words, everything is working fine here, and I have it set up as shown in my post above.

If I move and/or resize the fb2k window, I can press the "reapply settings" hotkey, or use the "Reapply settings" function of the AWM title bar button to move the fb2k window back.  It works properly.  The on top/not on top button also works properly.

Could it be that I have exclusions that aren't present by default, and having those exclusions makes it work?
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 01/28/2010 21:20:00

I'm really intrigued!

Do you have any non-standard fb2k plugins? What User interface module is displayed in Preferences\Display?

Could you please send both your AMW config, and the contents of fbk2's Configuration folder (it's either below fb2k installation folder, or in %appdata%\foobar2000) to
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 01/28/2010 21:23:13
I have lots of non-standard fb2k plugins.  I use the "Columns UI" interface.  I'll send the requested info via email.

Core (2010-01-09 06:47:00)
   foobar2000 core 1.0
foo_abx.dll (2009-06-07 07:25:26)
   ABX Comparator 1.3.4
foo_albumlist.dll (2010-01-09 06:44:46)
   Album List 4.4
foo_audioscrobbler.dll (2009-10-25 20:30:02)
   Audioscrobbler 1.4.3
foo_cdda.dll (2010-01-09 06:44:42)
   CD Audio Decoder 3.0
foo_converter.dll (2010-01-09 06:44:32)
   Converter 1.4
foo_dbsearch.dll (2007-01-25 20:58:48)
   Database Search 1.4
foo_dsp_bs2b.dll (2009-06-08 11:30:06)
   bs2b 3.1.0
foo_dsp_delta.dll (2008-10-24 15:57:16)
   Noise Sharpening DSP 1.0.0
foo_dsp_dolbyhp.dll (2008-12-04 21:37:20)
   Dolby Headphone Wrapper 1.3.1
foo_dsp_std.dll (2010-01-09 06:44:48)
   Standard DSP Array 1.0
foo_fileops.dll (2010-01-09 06:43:32)
   File Operations 2.1.2
foo_freedb2.dll (2010-01-09 06:43:34)
   freedb Tagger 0.6.2
foo_input_monkey.dll (2009-05-01 14:40:52)
   Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.4
foo_input_std.dll (2010-01-09 06:44:24)
   Standard Input Array 1.0
foo_jesus.dll (2009-10-05 23:05:54)
   Autosave & Autobackup 5
foo_lastfm_radio.dll (2010-01-20 11:38:20) Radio 0.5.7c
foo_lock.dll (2009-07-21 16:57:54)
   Pause on Lock 0.4
foo_lyricsdb.dll (2009-10-05 12:35:38)
   foo_lyricsdb 0.0.8 beta 0
foo_lyricsgrabber.dll (2008-12-11 13:27:06)
   Lyrics Grabber Beta
foo_masstag.dll (2009-09-18 10:01:36)
   Masstagger 1.8.4
foo_navigator.dll (2007-08-04 06:36:46)
   Navigator 0.63
foo_prettypop.dll (2008-12-01 18:48:22)
   Pretty Popup 1.2.4
foo_quicktag.dll (2008-05-01 19:39:02)
   Quick Tagger 1.0.1
foo_rgscan.dll (2010-01-09 06:44:24)
   ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.9
foo_scheduler.dll (2007-01-09 21:33:46)
   Scheduler 3.53
foo_skip.dll (2009-12-25 01:47:22)
   Skip Track 0.5
foo_timebomb.dll (2009-12-20 15:40:01)
   Timebomb 0.0.2
foo_tlbRC.dll (2009-05-04 18:44:34)
   TLB Remote Control 3.0
foo_ui_columns.dll (2009-08-30 10:21:36)
   Columns UI
foo_ui_std.dll (2010-01-09 06:44:52)
   Default User Interface 0.9.5
foo_uie_albumlist.dll (2009-06-13 17:49:19)
   Album list panel 0.3.5
foo_uie_console.dll (2009-08-29 11:06:24)
   Console panel 0.4
foo_uie_lyrics.dll (2007-03-12 08:32:45)
   Lyric Show Panels
foo_uie_quicksearch.dll (2007-05-18 12:31:10)
   Quick Search Toolbar 2.8l
foo_unpack.dll (2010-01-09 06:43:20)
   RAR reader 1.3
   ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0
foo_unpack_7z.dll (2009-05-09 16:48:44)
   7-Zip unpacker 1.1
foo_whatsnew.dll (2008-08-30 15:45:00)
   Feature Watcher 1.0.6
Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 01/28/2010 21:40:37
I've just tried to download "Columns UI" and selected it as a UI. With this UI module, fb2k became compatible with AWM.

Looks like it's only the standard UI module which make fb2k incompatible with AWM.

Scott, thank you for figuring this out!
Several our customers have asked us about fb2k incompatibility. Now we can simply recommend them to use this UI module.

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