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Topic: «AWM 5.5b4 Virtual Desktops , Apps set to start on other desktops sometimes don't » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 6200
David Lomas
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Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 01/11/2010 04:27:01

I know this is probably similar to other problems I've had, and I'm not sure if its restricted to MediaMonkey, but that's pretty much the only app I use regularly which I have set to start up on the secondary desktop.

I had the problem before where it would start on the second desktop but not respond to mouse clicks (it couldn't create new windows or menus). That was fixed (I think) by allowing the splash screen to appear for a moment on the default desktop before moving it to the secondary.

However now, and it is intermittent, the main window appears on both the default and secondary desktops, rather than just on the secondary. However, switching to the secondary and back to the default desktop, the window is gone (so it is now only on the secondary desktop).

If I then close and restart MM (from the default desktop), it moves to the secondary desktop and disappears from the default desktop as it should.

I hope that makes sense - I finally managed to get a log file of this happening, which is attached. However, the log file of it 'sticking' on the default desktop and it moving properly to the secondary desktop are identical!

The only difference I can see is that on the second try, I'd already switched back and forth between default and secondary desktops. Next time I reboot, I'll try switching desktops first to see if it happens again. Any other suggestions for things to try?




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