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Topic: «v5.5 Beta 3 Testing , Unexpected Behaviors and Other Thoughts on Beta 3 » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 39798
Posts: 90
Joined: 02/28/2006
Posted: 12/15/2009 16:24:40
Hey Alexander:

OK, I found a way to reproduce the disappearance of the secondary monitor taskbar (and also discovered another issue in the process).

1. Open the AWM configuration module.
2. Open Options. Make a change that, appears at least, to "refresh" the AWM toolbar buttons. This could include making a change in the order of the toolbar buttons, or even adding or editing a program in the Start Programs options/button. Click OK. The secondary monitor taskbar disappears. (I notice at the same time that the toolbar buttons on all my windows appear to "refresh" when this occurs. In other words, they disappear for a few seconds and then reappear. Whether or not this is related to the taskbar disappearance, I don't know). I can bring the taskbar back by stopping and restarting AWM. I realize this could be something specific to my own AWM configuration or my own PC configuration but it's a start at least. I can send you my AWM configuration file if that would be helpful.
3. I noticed another issue as I was going through the steps of reproducing this issue. If I change the "Check for Updates" interval from the default of once per day to once per week or once per month, then close the AWM configuration module and reopen it, the updates interval is reset back to the default of once per day.

I was wondering also, is there any way to globally change the toolbar buttons and/or window menu options across all my already created window rules. I know that the Default Settings are for all windows that do not already have a window rule created. But I added the Start Programs button to my AWM configuration and then could not figure out a way to get the button onto all my windows toolbars other to do so one at a time.

Alexander Belyakov
Posts: 196
Joined: 06/07/2007
Posted: 12/16/2009 00:12:09

I've tried to repeat those steps, and nothing unusual happened. Please send us your config files. Perhaps there's some rule which hides the secondary taskbar.

You are right about the update interval, it really refuses to change. This will be fixed in the next version. Thanks for reporting this bug!

As for the modification of several rules at once, there's a not quite finished feature in Config window for this. Select one of the rules you need to change, then press and hold Ctrl key, and then click other rules you want to modify (they all should appear selected). All changes of settings in the rightmost part of the Config window now apply to all the selected rules. Unfortunately, not all the rule settings are now compatible with this feature (it is still under development), but it can be used to toggle title buttons or window menu items, and change some of their settings.

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