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Topic: «[Possible Bug] AWM 5.5 Beta 3 - Window Caption , Change Caption > Keep Persistent Does Not Appear to Be Working Correct » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 8701
Joseph Sullivan
Posts: 44
Joined: 02/21/2007
Posted: 11/29/2009 21:48:27

System Information

Operating System:  Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 3
Actual Window Manager Version:  Version 5.5, Beta 3


Reproducing Error

Follow the following steps:
  • Download the sample configuration file pack located here.
  • NOTE:  Please notify me when you have successfully downloaded this file and no longer need me to serve it, so I can remove it from my server.  Thank you.
  • Make sure you install the same configuration files from the pack, so that you are using the same window rules.
  • Open the folder 'My Computer' via any method.


Error Details

Expected Results:  As I understand it, the Specific Settings > Rule > Startup > Change caption > Keep persistent option should read the initial caption and then force the window to keep this original caption for the life of the window.  As such, I would expect the freshly opened folder window to start and keep the caption of 'My Computer'.

NOTE:  If my assumption about the expected results are incorrect, please let me know.  This is why I categorized this as a Possible Bug, instead of just assuming it is indeed a bug.

Actual Results:  The freshly opened folder window has no caption.  In fact, no folder window that is opened has a caption, as I have set up specific rules for a number of folders, and then one additional rule for all other folders.  Please see the following screenshot for what I see when I open 'My Computer':

User added an image

NOTE:  Again, please notify me when you have successfully downloaded this file and no longer need me to serve it, so I can remove it from my server.  Thank you.


Final Comments

Please see the following thread regarding the origination of this feature:  
Missing Functionality - AWM 5.5 Beta 1 - Window Caption.

If I am misunderstanding the use / functionality of this feature, please let me know.

Thank you, as always, for your time and help.  :)

Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 11/30/2009 06:14:11
Hi Joseph,

Thank you for the detailed report! (I wish other reporters used your report pattern!)

First of all - you can remove the files from your server.

Second - the feature actually works but for now it has a non-intuitive configuration manner: to make it work as expected, just disable the Change caption startup action but leave its Keep persistent option enabled. I've checked it with your configuration - it really works. Sorry for the non-obvious presentation. :oops:
Joseph Sullivan
Posts: 44
Joined: 02/21/2007
Posted: 11/30/2009 06:22:36
This is your second warning, sir!

One more awesome response, and it's ground smooching time for me!

I'll do it!  I swear!  :P


Seriously, you are the goods.  I really appreciate it.  Works perfectly.

Speaking of bug reporting, I think I'll toss up a thread somewhere else on a few minor changes you might be able to make to the forums (really simple stuff) that might make the process much easier.  As a developer myself, I'm all too aware of users not providing enough information to even figure out what issue they're having, never mind a step through on how they got there.  Good times.  :)
Joseph Sullivan
Posts: 44
Joined: 02/21/2007
Posted: 11/30/2009 07:18:55

Trying to think of ways to make it more intuitive.  The best I can come up with is:

IF the Specific Settings > Rule > Startup > Change caption check box is set to Checked AND the Specific Settings > Rule > Startup > Change caption > Change caption to text box is an empty string, then do not perform any caption change for the window.  After all, can you think of any reason you would want an empty caption?

Beyond that, I guess maybe another checkbox for 'Persist original caption'.

Unless you want to go crazy and create variables.  i.e. %OrigCaption, %CurrentTime, etc.

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