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Topic: «[Suggestion] AWM 5.5 Beta 1 - Log Location , Change the Log Location » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 10538
Joseph Sullivan
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Posted: 09/28/2009 02:46:21
Operating System - Windows XP SP3
Program Version - Actual Windows Manager Version 5.5 Beta 1

I've never had to use logging outside of beta testing - which, as an aside, should serve as proof of how effective your testing and debugging is.

At any rate, the log location is a little odd to get to, when attempting to determine what is causing an issue.

Checking settings first in 'C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager' and then checking settings / log in 'C:\Documents and Settings\{User Name}\Application Data\Actual Tools\Actual Window Manager' feels a little cumbersome.

Furthermore, I think it would be so cool if you used the Event Viewer and, in particular, created your own log there, like Windows Powershell does.

I'm unsure if this is useless advice, as I don't use Vista, and I'm unsure if this functionality is different there.  If so, please disregard, as I can't justify coding a change for an outdated, phasing-out OS.

Please advise.  Thank you!
Joseph Sullivan
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Posted: 09/28/2009 02:50:07
Okay.  Now I feel stupid.

I JUST found the log viewer on the AWM system tray context menu.

So perhaps change my suggestion to making that feature more accessible / intuitive.

Thanks again.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 09/28/2009 12:42:13
Joseph, thanks for the feedback! Please could you develop it further and suggest some ways of making the "Log Window" feature more accessible?
Joseph Sullivan
Registered user
Posts: 44
Joined: 02/21/2007
Posted: 09/28/2009 14:46:32
Maybe a menu option?  Like, under Actions or Help, have 'View Log...' as a choice.

I wouldn't put it on the toolbar, personally.  I wouldn't expect it to be used very often.


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