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Topic: «Beta Testers beware » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 6225
Greg Webb
Advanced user
Posts: 135
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 02/09/2009 18:41:39
I'm not sure if this is covered in your installation instructions. You may decide it is my problems for not handling my installation properly.

I noticed this morning I have two registry keys to start AWM at system startup. One points to 5.03b1 and the other points to 5.03b2. The version actually running is 5.03b1, not 5.03b2 as I assumed.

How has this happened? Well, when I install a new beta I put it a a new sub-directory of D:\program files\ActualWindowManager (Actual Tools). I let the program automatically start after installing.

I can't check to see which RUN registry keys were used as my first instinctive impulse was to delete the redundant key (via a GUI program).

I guess the summary of this is for beta testers to beware of how they install new betas. I thought I was using 5.03b2 but in fact it was 5.03b1 that was running after the first instance of the installation.

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