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Topic: «Window position that has been cancelled still operating » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 5932
Greg Webb
Advanced user
Posts: 136
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 05/25/2008 20:53:14
Not sure if this is a bug that should be aired here or submitted as a support request through the user support channel. Will start here...

Sometime ago I used Actual Window Manager to place the Word Find dialog window on my second monitor. I was using version 5 at the time. Now I want the Word Find dialog window on my primary monitor. I've checked all my settings in Window Manager but there is nothing there to say the Find dialog window should be moved to the second monitor.

In Word, I've moved the Find dialog window to the primary monitor but when I restart Word, Find always opens on the secondary monitor.

I've upgraded to the recently released version 5.1. It's still happening.

The question is,

 * Is it Actual Windows Manager having a non-visible setting for dialog windows, OR
 * Is it my ability with Word not knowing how to get it to remember I've changed the position of the Find dialog?

It definitely looks as if it is Actual Windows Manager. The Find dialog opens on the primary monitor and 'jumps' to the second monitor.

Has anyone else seen this effect?

Greg Webb
Advanced user
Posts: 136
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 05/25/2008 20:58:26
Cancel that last message. And I call myself a beta tester.

I've just conducted another test:

* Start Word
* Find
* The Find dialog opens on the second monitor

Exit Actual Windows Manager.
* Start Word
* Find
* The Find dialog opens on the second monitor, just the same as before.

CONCLUSION: It's Word, or my understanding of Word.

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