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Topic: «Actual Window Manager 5.0 beta 5 is available! , Some minor fixes and improvements; the last 5.0 beta » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 42370
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/21/2007 10:19:14
Hi everyone,

Actual Tools has released the 5th beta version of Actual Window Manager 5.0. Here you can see the list of recent changes available in this beta.

Due to some internal reasons, the release of 5.0 final has been postponed to the beginning of next year. So this beta is our final attempt to polish the program as much as possible: find and fix most of bugs and incompatibilities, improve user interface usability and get as much as possible feedback on our new features (btw, we are still waiting for your reports on different ways of applying Actual Tools features to command prompt windows!). Thank you all who helps us make our product better!

As usual, I would like to remind that due to our beta-testing policy our beta versions have an expiration date after which they can't be used. Also, due to their nature, beta versions can't be registered, even with a valid registration data: they are not final products but betas! So when the beta version expires you should either roll back to the last stable release, update your beta to a new one (if available), or upgrade to a new stable release (if available).
The beta 5 of Actual Window Manager 5.0 will expire January 15, 2008.

You can download it here.

I strongly recommend to install this beta into a separate folder (for example, "C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager 5.0 beta 5") so you could easily roll back to any previous version.
Posts: 3
Joined: 12/28/2007
Posted: 12/28/2007 13:16:34
Hi, I was about to check the new beta out when I noticed the link is the same as the beta 4.
Adam Rigdon
Posts: 12
Joined: 09/08/2006
Posted: 01/07/2008 23:23:29
The link is the same. But it is the new beta version.
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 01/08/2008 02:34:00
Guys, you are quite right. Beta 5 inherited the link from beta 4 just to keep the link working. In future beta A will have link A and beta B will have link B etc.

Thanks for your interest to Actual Tools.
Tom Ngo
Posts: 1
Joined: 01/11/2008
Posted: 01/11/2008 12:33:28
Beta 5 is about to expire. Is there a new beta?
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/12/2008 13:13:23
No, we plan to release the final version until the beta 5 expires.
Nicholas Dudfield
Posts: 14
Joined: 11/09/2007
Posted: 01/15/2008 03:44:47
When is the next version of AWM released?

I have Vista and only the 5.0 betas work without bugs.

I'm addicted to AWM.  When o when? :)  
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/15/2008 04:28:30
If everything goes as expected the release version will be available today (Tue 15).
Jeffrey R. Broido

Bona fide, old fart, retro hippie.
Posts: 44
Joined: 12/12/2007
Posted: 01/15/2008 13:42:59
Mr. Fadeyev,

I find that a newly-purchased license will not work with the now-expired V5B5.  As Mr. Dudfield pointed out, I need V5 for Vista.  Would you please update this thread when either the retail build of V5 is downloadable or you come up with some way to extend V5B5?  We're desperate!


Neil Hymans
Posts: 12
Joined: 06/21/2007
Posted: 01/15/2008 17:38:15
Hi guys

I'm sure you're working hard late into the night on the new version (you better be!), but B5 has now expired (in my timezone, anyway)

As B5 worked pretty well, perhaps you can take some pressure off yourselves and return our functionality by issuing a Beta 5a which is identical to 5 except for the expiry date? Hopefully this change alone wouldn't take you more than a few minutes, so you could keep focused on the next release.

As someone who has spent years in software marketing, experience tells me that whatever gotta-finish date you apply to your product, it always needs 25% longer than you've allowed! (I'm always wary about cut-off dates in any product for this reason.)

And if my suggestion isn't an option, perhaps you can suggest an alternative way for your loyal users to get the functionality back while you guys get the next release finalised.

Best regards (& keep up the good work)


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