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Topic: «Strange Windows Explorer Issue » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 163965
Registered user
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Posted: 08/31/2018 04:21:16
Tested with version 8.13 now:

Restarting dwm.exe: the issue (black ghosted areas and ghost pixels) persist on existing "Explorer" and "Windows Live Mail" windows and also after closing and open new such windows.

Then ending AWM:the same as above

Then restarting dwm.exe again: same as above

The only way to get normal displayed windows is, to temporarily change the resolution and it is not necessary to confirm the 15 seconds resolution preview.

It seems to be that there is a new issue with 8.13. After some time (1–2 days), all application windows change its state from maximized to normal size, also when it was minimized to and restored from the taskbar. I had this also only while testing the beta 8.13 for 2 weeks, but never with versions before.

Now I have disabled the new feature "Bind the layout to the desktop geometry". Maybe this could be the problem. Mostly I use only the main monitor and switch off the second monitor meanwhile.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 08/31/2018 13:29:32

The only way to get normal displayed windows is, to temporarily change the resolution and it is not necessary to confirm the 15 seconds resolution preview.
Thank you for the information. We'll investigate the problem and try to figure out what causes it.

all application windows change its state from maximized to normal size, also when it was minimized to and restored from the taskbar.
Do you mean there are two situations when this happens? What is the first one? Just all the applications that were maximized suddenly become normal size?

Now I have disabled the new feature "Bind the layout to the desktop geometry"
Let us know whether it helps.

Mostly I use only the main monitor and switch off the second monitor meanwhile.
How exactly you switch the monitor off? How often you switch it on?

Best regards.
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Posted: 09/01/2018 01:12:30
Hello Bogdan,

technoid wrote:
all application windows change its state from maximized to normal size, also when it was minimized to and restored from the taskbar.
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
Do you mean there are two situations when this happens? What is the first one? Just all the applications that were maximized suddenly become normal size?
This issue has nothing to do with the tabbed Explorer and the windows only change its size state but displayed normal. All windows which were actually maximimized become normal size and such windows which were actually minimized, but were maximized before and which should be maximized again with an click to its taskbar icon, become also normal size.

technoid wrote:
Now I have disabled the new feature "Bind the layout to the desktop geometry"
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
Let us know whether it helps.
It seems to help.
Update: It helps!

technoid wrote:
Mostly I use only the main monitor and switch off the second monitor meanwhile.
Bogdan Polishchuk wrote:
How exactly you switch the monitor off? How often you switch it on?
Both monitors have an on/off button on the front and a power switch on the side. I use the on/off button on the front for the second monitor and no one for the first monitor. But both monitors are connected to a multiple socket outlet which has a power switch too and once a day I use this to switch off both monitors.

Best regards and thank you very much!
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 09/04/2018 11:14:13

all application windows change its state from maximized to normal size,
At what exactly moment it happens: when you wake up your system and maybe enable the monitors or it happens in the middle of work? Or maybe when you enable the second monitor?

Does the problem depend on whether you use two monitors or you use single monitor?

I use the on/off button on the front for the second monitor
Does the monitor disappear from the system or becomes disabled in the Windows display settings, when you switch it off using the button?

Best regards.
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Posted: 09/06/2018 04:28:17
Hello Bogdan,

I reactivated it and it didn't occur for 3 days. After restarting Windows, it occurred while writing a long email with the Windows Live Mail Client.

The Live Mail window was maximized on the first monitor. On the second monitor there was only Firefox and it was maximized. Other applications were on the first monitor and they were minimized (previously maximized).

Suddenly Firefox became minimized and after clicking on the taskbar icon it had normal size (the same with the other applications).

I can't reproduce it. It's not related to turning the monitors on and off and it seems to happen by accident.

Tested with:
soft on/off the displays of the monitors (front button)
power on/off the monitors (lateral power switch)
power on/off both monitors simultaneous with the multiple socket outlet power switch

Best regards
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Posted: 09/09/2018 10:56:21
The problem seems to occur when the CPU cores running AWM and Windows Explorer are relatively busy and "Bind the layout to the desktop geometry" is enabled.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 09/13/2018 14:16:22
Hello technoid,

Sorry for the delay in replying.

We'll investigate this issue and inform you about our results.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 03/28/2019 20:05:17
Hello, technoid

I'm writing to you regarding the problem where maximized windows have these black stripes.

Could you do some testing: uninstall Actual Window Manager and then install it, but change the name of the installation folder from Actual Window Manager to any other name, but keep the folder in Program Files (x86). See whether you're able to reproduce the problem again after you re-install the program.

Best regards.
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Posted: 03/30/2019 21:08:35
Hello Bogdan,

can you explain to me what that should change? Do you suspect errors in the registry? I can't restart the computer at the moment because calculations are running for days.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4041
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 04/02/2019 23:17:45

We suspect the problem can be associated with some settings that are stored in the registry and they are tied to the path to the program's .exe file. Changing the path will solve the problem, if the settings are the reason.

Reinstallation of the program doesn't require a restart, although you may need to restart some applications. Also, you don't have to necessarily uninstall your current installation of AWM, you can just perform another installation to the new folder.

First exit AWM completely, start the installation the usual way and reach the "Replacing in-use files" window. It will show the applications that should be closed during the installation, and if there are no important programs which you are not able to restart at the moment then new installation shouldn't cause any problems. Remember what applications are specified in this list and cancel the installation.
If the "Replacing in-use files" window doesn't appear then just cancel the installation on the "Ready to install" window.

Then open Notepad application and type the following command:
"C:\aimsetup.exe" /dir="C:\Program Files (x86)\Installation"

Paths can differ from the ones specified in the example. The first path is the path to the installation file and it depends on where the file is stored on your computer. The second is the new installation folder and you can type any text instead of "Installation" but it should differ from your current installation folder name.
Save the Notepad file with a name of your choice BUT with an extension of .cmd (type <your_file_name>.cmd in the "File name" field).

Run the .cmd file and complete the installation disabling the "Create Start Menu shortcuts" option during the installation so that your current shortcuts are not replaced.

If there was no "Replacing in-use files" window previously then just go to the new installation folder and start ActualWindowManagerCenter.exe.

If the "Replacing in-use files" appeared previously then you need to restart the specified applications so that you can start AWM from the new folder. If the Windows explorer was in the list, you need to close it via the Task Manager > Processes (explorer.exe > End process) and start again via the Task Manager > Files > New Task > explorer.exe.

See whether the problem appears in this case and let us know the result.

Best regards.

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