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Topic: «Keyboard Macro » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 24781
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/27/2007 12:18:34

Wow, you nevertheless tried to do my job! :)

Thank you for your deep and clear analysis - it contains some interesting ideas (like this - "Recording resolution and font size at time of defining the mouse click") and gave me some food for thought.

Anyway, even having such a brilliant try of solving mouse-click-emulation problems, I still continue to think that there's no general solution for this task, such solution that would be clear and intuitive enough for the "general" end user - sorry. :oops: Just let's imagine that in our favorite example with Task Manager such user changed widths of columns, or reordered them, or even completely restructured them...

Don't forget - it's just a single example but note how many questions and problems it has generated. And consider the fact that the proposed "mouse click emulation" feature is VERY general-purpose - this assumes it should work in as many cases as possible; and it would be very nice, its implementation wouldn't require from a user to remember which rule he must fix, in what manner and after what change - the main goal of our tools is to reduce the number of routine manipulations with windows, not to replace them with routine manipulations with window rules. :)

Let me say again: I don't require you to do our job and I don't try to diminish the value of your feedback! I'm just trying to show you (and, mostly, other forum readers) that the problem isn't as trivial as it may seem at first glance - mostly, due to its "general-purpose" nature...

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