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Topic: «AWM 8.7 Beta 1 - Extra Window Classification Data , More Specification / Granularity on Specific Setting Selection » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 3606
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 12/31/2015 17:23:02
Windows 10 Pro, 64-Bit
AWM 8.7, Beta 1

To my knowledge, in AWM, there are only "Window class", "Window caption" and "Program" which can be used to select a window(s) for modification. However, this doesn't provide enough specification / granularity for problematic windows. Specifically, Window Class #32770. If a window has been created with that class and that window as a frame which can be sized, this is something that makes sense to modify the size of the window. However, in the same application there are often multiple windows/dialogs using the same Window class "#32770", Window caption = "", and Program = "\Whatever.exe". Yet, the these windows have other characteristics which make them unique. Such as, the frame type (sizable, fixed, etc), number and type of controls contained. Providing the ability to select these characteristics would provide the tool to eliminate many unwanted Specific Settings being applied to the wrong window(s).

Greg Webb
Posts: 141
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 01/01/2016 06:46:54
This has been requested before. It's clearly a difficult problem or it would have been implemented before.

I don't know the technical aspects of windows but you have offered some new attributes that you think could help further identify specific windows:  frame-type; number and type of controls.

I would advocate an 'advanced' setting in window identification that the user used 'at their own risk'. An advanced user could try using the extra identifiers that you've proposed on the basis that they may or may not work, no guarantees.

Hope something comes of this.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4099
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/20/2016 21:19:57
Hello, gentlemen

Request of implementation of the ability to select such characteristics as frame type, number and type of controls etc as Target Window Criteria is a specific one. The implementation of the options like this takes much time and work, while not so much our cutomers request this. So, for now the priority of this task is not high.

Hoping for your kind understanding.
Greg Webb
Posts: 141
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 01/21/2016 03:50:45
Request of implementation of the ability to select such characteristics as frame type, number and type of controls etc as Target Window Criteria

Quite understand.


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