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Topic: «AWM 8.7 Beta 1 - Desktop Not Correct To Monitor Configuration , Border Limits / Relocation Mode » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 9214
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 12/31/2015 00:02:12
Windows 10 Pro, 64-Bit (new installation)
AWM 8.7, Beta 1

New system OS installation. Dual monitor configuration:
Monitor #1 (Landscape, 2560 x 1440)
Monitor #2,(Portrait, 1440 x 2560)

With the above defined (really any configuration with multiple monitors and not identical resolution will result with undesired results).

AWM > Default Settings > Position > Change Window Position Automatically > Restrict placement = WILL NOT WORK. Test by setting the borders to the edge of the desktop. You will encounter the desktop is square (rectangle) rather than two different rectangles attached. The results make this powerful and highly desired feature a no go. This is one of a few must have features. You can't even 'trick' AWM by using the % of current monitor as it uses monitor #1 for the dimensions and not whatever the "current monitor" is.

AWM > Default Settings > Position > Change Window Position Automatically > Relocate split windows = WILL NOT WORK. Haven't seen one split-monitor app, get relocated to either monitor.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/06/2016 17:38:32
Hello, Lars

About the first problem: this is how the system defines the desktop. From the system's point of view desktop is one big rectangle which accomodates all other rectangles which are displays in the layout. This is just how the system works and we can't change it.

About the second: the problem with the Relocate feature has been confirmed, we'll try to fix it.

Best regards.
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 01/08/2016 20:01:14
About the first problem: this is how the system defines the desktop. From the system's point of view desktop is one big rectangle which accomodates all other rectangles which are displays in the layout. This is just how the system works and we can't change it.
Yes, That's a fact. HOWEVER, since you can obtain the exact dimension of each monitor you can get the exact valid displayed region of the desktop. I know this as I've done it over 20 years ago in developing my own desktop management tools. I know you have the skills to implement this capability, and it's needed to take your product to the next level.

I'm looking forward to seeing it implemented in the near future.

Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 01/20/2016 22:11:21

We'll consider your suggestion.

Best regards.
Bogdan Polishchuk
Posts: 4100
Joined: 04/04/2012
Posted: 10/30/2019 11:40:58
Hello, Lars

You wrote:
AWM > Default Settings > Position > Change Window Position Automatically > Relocate split windows = WILL NOT WORK. Haven't seen one split-monitor app, get relocated to either monitor.

I'm glad to notify you that the subject issue has been fixed and the fix is available in the latest version of Actual Window Manager 8.14.2 and our other products as well.

You can update your program to the latest version (program's tray icon context menu > Info > Check for Updates) or download the latest version manually, install it and and confirm the fix.

Best regards.

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