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Topic: «A feature I would like to see » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 9264
Greg Webb
Advanced user
Posts: 135
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 06/05/2007 08:52:27
A feature I would like to see is user-specified position and size that is applied to any window with a custom keyboard shortcut.

The action of the custom keyboard shortcut is to reposition and resize the topmost window to a position and size specified for the shortcut.

I guess this an action that applies to all windows, ie has a scope of all windows.

Click on a window to make it the topmost window. Type the custom keyboard shortcut. The window repositions and resizes according the specification for the shortcut.

How many of these custom shortcut keys? I need at least three. I think ten would be a reasonable number.
Michael Rezvanov
Posts: 387
Joined: 01/31/2007
Posted: 06/06/2007 05:27:49
Hello Greg,

Thank you for your feature request. I've added it to our to-do list. We will consider the possibility of its implementation.  
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 02/11/2008 03:48:29
Greg, please tell me do the aligning/stretching hotkeys added in version 5.0 fulfill your request?
Greg Webb
Advanced user
Posts: 135
Joined: 06/05/2007
Posted: 05/26/2008 07:04:02

Many apologies for the long delay. My course started again in February and I've been quite busy, not just with art things.

The aligning/stretching hotkeys are a great feature but do not address the new feature I was proposing.

A long time ago, about 20 years ago, I read a suggestion on a Internet newsgroup where the author suggested placing windows on top of one another with the close boxes aligned. He was talking about the Mac interface as Windows had not even been conceived then. His idea was that it would be quicker to close multiple windows. I saw the opportunity to use this as a way of keeping windows neatly arranged on the desktop. I wish I had noted the author's name  because I think he was a 'genius'.

The feature I'm describing is one where the user defines a window position and/or size and assigns it to a hotkey. The attached image is a mock-up of how I see it being implemented in Actual Windows Manager.

Pressing the custom hotkey moves the 'current' window to the position and/or size defined for the hotkey in much the same way as Alignment works with NumPad keys.

Double click on image to see it at normal size


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