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Topic: «BUG: Modal form/Adobe Reader blocks mouse wrap , Mouse gets trapped along top edge of Adobe Reader » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 8041
Eric Walker
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Posts: 16
Joined: 08/07/2014
Posted: 09/09/2014 22:40:06
Running the latest beta of AWM and I've come across another issue with the mouse wrap feature.

When a modal form is maximized on one monitor and Adobe Reader is maximized on another, the mouse no longer wraps around the top of the monitor with Adobe Reader.

Running version of Adobe Reader and it doesn't seem to matter what modal form is maximized (not all will allow you to maximize though, so let me know and I can throw together a quick .exe replicating the behavior of our in-house app that is shown in the attached screen shot if you have difficulty reproducing this issue.)

I've highlighted the problem area in the screenshot as well.

Please let me know if you need anything else.


Update: After playing around with this further, it appears it doesn't even matter if there is a modal form open, just Adobe Reader, meaning it's likely just an issue with Reader itself.  I'm going to do some further digging this afternoon with window settings for Reader and will reply with my results.

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 09/10/2014 00:18:43
Dear Eric,

thank you for your post!

This isn't a bug, please refer to the last question regarding Adobe Reader title buttons in this FAQ. It turns out that this issue also applies to Wrap the Desktop feature.

Best regards!
Eric Walker
Registered user

Posts: 16
Joined: 08/07/2014
Posted: 09/11/2014 23:06:42
Thanks Alexander, I had searched for Adobe and not found anything for Wrap the Desktop and mistakenly assumed it was a new issue.

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