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Topic: «[ANN] Beta 5 is delayed until next Monday » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 50382
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Posted: 08/17/2014 14:37:55
Hi Susan,

as Jan said, Revo Uninstaller seems to be able to cleanly uninstall everything.

Having said that, I think the guys at Actual Tools need to have a look at this beta expiry situation. Either by e.g providing a beta4 download with extended time limit, so that the users don't have to put up with this nuisance and the programers can work on the next version without extra time pressure or make sure that the installation of the previous stable version really removes the time limitation.

Just my 2 cents


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Posted: 08/17/2014 14:42:19
Sorry guys, I've been messing with this for hours and hadn't realised there had been a string of posts in the meantime. My bad. Apologies.
Especially as the board won't let me go back and edit what I wrote.

Hope no-one took offence? Please?

Anyhoo. I'll give Revo and the other suggestions a try. Thanks for the info.

Susi xx


Thanks to all, especially Jan (and Max).  8)
All sorted now.

Reloaded my previously saved customisations back in, and all is back to normal with 8.1.4.
A very happy bunny again.  :D  :{}  :D
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Posted: 08/17/2014 15:27:51
Just my 2 cents


Max you gave $20 of good advise.


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Posted: 08/17/2014 15:31:45
Anyhoo. I'll give Revo and the other suggestions a try. Thanks for the info.

Susi xx

Susi, you are referencing using Revo for a future Beta, yes? Do Revo let you uninstall an app that was already installed before you installed Revo? Does it keep unique install history or can you trick it (by design) where you can then install the AWM beta and have Revo record the activity, then reverse that activity thereby removing the offending beta?

Ladies? Gentlemen?


Kaitlynn Allen
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Posted: 08/17/2014 18:04:13
This popup is a pain in the rear!

I'm an avid gamer, and it keeps popping up on my games monitor right in the middle of doing things.

How do I unregister as a beta tester, please?
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Posted: 08/17/2014 18:13:17
Hahaha, I thought it's just me when I tried to uninstall Beta 4 and install 8.1.4. It was really weird because I deleted everything from registry (I thought so) and restarted many times computer and all the time Beta 4 showed up.
At the end I found somehow old version 7.2 and installed it just temporarily until new beta arrives but now I'm going to try this Revo Uninstaller. To uninstall programs i use simply CCleaner and Windows Install Clean Up (for some setups).
Thanks for Revo Uninstaller idea, since it worked for you, then should work here too. :D

Edit: Yeah Revo worked 100%. Thank you very much! :)

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Jan-Christoph Ihrens
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Posted: 08/17/2014 23:08:06
Susi, you are referencing using Revo for a future Beta, yes? Do Revo let you uninstall an app that was already installed before you installed Revo? Does it keep unique install history or can you trick it (by design) where you can then install the AWM beta and have Revo record the activity, then reverse that activity thereby removing the offending beta?
No, Revo even works with programs that haven't been installed with Revo. It scans for registry entries, folders and files that seem to belong to the uninstalled program (partly by observing the uninstaller, I guess), and it most often shows the correct items. Nevertheless you should examine the list and decide what can be securely deleted (Revo doesn't pre-select anything).

Just give it a try - it doesn't do more than making Backups and deinstalling the program with its uninstaller when you don't choose other options.


You have moved the mouse. Windows must be restarted for the changes to take effect.
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Posted: 08/17/2014 23:10:58
This popup is a pain in the rear!

I'm an avid gamer, and it keeps popping up on my games monitor right in the middle of doing things.

How do I unregister as a beta tester, please?
If you want to remove any possibility of the "popup" appearing from a Beta copy of AWM only install production copies of AWM for which you have a licensed copy. There's always additional risk when using any Beta software from anyone.

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Posted: 08/17/2014 23:16:33
No, Revo even works with programs that haven't been installed with Revo. It scans for registry entries, folders and files that seem to belong to the uninstalled program (partly by observing the uninstaller, I guess), and it most often shows the correct items. Nevertheless you should examine the list and decide what can be securely deleted (Revo doesn't pre-sel ect anything).

Just give it a try - it doesn't do more than making Backups and deinstalling the program with its uninstaller when you don't choose other options.

I assure you Revo will NOT be able to remove all artifacts from software which is already installed -- that's impossible. Even if Revo monitors said software while it (the target software you want to completely remove) is executing (and it accesses everything which was installed) and records all activity you cannot be assured all is removed. Even under this case it isn't possible to know for sure what the pre-installed software "owns".

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Posted: 08/17/2014 23:19:53
Xahi4475, I found somehow old version 7.2 and installed it just temporarily until
More current than your AWM 7.2,

Prior productions releases of Actual Tools software can be found here:


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