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Topic: «AWM Title Buttons , Not calculating y-axis correctly for Firefox v30.0 » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 14280
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 06/22/2014 18:17:42
Using AWM 8.2 Beta 2 with Firefox v30.0 results in AWM title buttons not having the y-axis correct for the buttons. Please see attached image.

NOTE: This occurs only as an initial display issue (in some cases, I don't know what will always make it happen) and will remain until or unless you perform a manual change in Firefox app size, then it will correctly calculate. This tells me there are two locations for calculating the title button y-axis value.

Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 06/23/2014 21:40:12
Zardoz2293, thank you for the report.

To fix the issue, please try to enable the Shift the buttons vertically option in the "Title Buttons - Options" group of the specific settings for Mozilla Firefox.
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 06/28/2014 21:08:12
To fix the issue, please try to enable the Shift the buttons vertically option in the "Title Buttons - Options" group of the specific settings for Mozilla Firefox.
Thank you! Not only did this solve the problem described herein, but also having AWM buttons covering the tabs in Firefox!

Excellent Alex! Greatly appreciated.  :D  8)  :D

Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 07/02/2014 08:43:12
Firefox 30.x and AWM 8.2 Beta 3

Gentleman, I'm still encountering problems with the buttons (see screen shot) within Firefox. If Firefox is maximized the buttons then overlay the tabs rather than how the title bar is expanded when in Window State = Normal.

Also, under conditions which I haven't been able to figure out exactly the magic combination to reproduce, the title buttons don't get positioned correctly (as original reported). I'll continue to see exactly what causes this anomaly and report.

When this feature works it's, well, awesome.

Do you have any suggestions or ideas as to how I can assist you so we can resolve ASAP.

Thank you!

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 07/02/2014 16:56:05
Dear Zardoz,

thank you for your message!

Please check if you have Compact view enabled for title buttons in Firefox Specific Settings.

Also please try to disable shifting title buttons vertically and horizontally for Firefox.

If the problem continues to occur, please inform us!
Posts: 22
Joined: 10/21/2013
Posted: 07/02/2014 17:39:51
Hi Zardoz. Just to let you know, you are not the only one with this issue. It was going on in beta2 for at least a month or so (from whenever I reinstalled AWM). I've not been able to pin down the cause either, although it does seem to be related to window resizing. But then you know that :)

I installed beta3 yesterday, but have not seen this again yet. (PC has only been on a few hours since)

To answer Alexander's question above^^
I currently have the Shift Buttons options set at 0, and disabled.
Show the Grouping Button is enabled.
Compact View is disabled.

To be honest, I have not messed with these settings since installing beta2. They are all set to the vanilla default settings.

Susi xx
Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 07/02/2014 17:55:34
Thank you guys for your intention to improve Actual Window Manager!

We will continue testing Firefox side by side with you and will hopefully find what can be done with the buttons!

And at this point I recommend you to enable the Compact view so the buttons wouldn't at least overlap the other controls.

BTW, do you mean window resizing by the means of Actual Window Manager or manually?

Best regards.
Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 07/07/2014 19:55:46
I'll keep an eye out for the next time it occurs. I know that when it does occur, performing a manual resizing event (such as drag Firefox's border, minimize/maximize) seems to cause the 'right' title button logic to occur. I'm thinking it's just some variable that otherwise doesn't get set correctly but does under the above described ways to 'correct' the title button positions within Firefox.

One of the reasons I just don't know how to reproduce it, is when it occurs, I'm not sure exactly when it happened. I see the problem in the background. Perhaps, that's the cause, when Firefox becomes a background app and a WM_RESIZE occurs to the foreground app, AWM doesn't update Firefox or does it differently when in the background. It's something very close to that behavior as I don't recall it ever happening while Firefox is in the foreground.

In regards to having the "Compact View" --- nice idea, it just doesn't work for me. I'm not into clicking one more button than I have too and perhaps the real problem for me is, it's a closed door -- I can't see or tell what is here, and therefore has no value to me. For the record I'm keeping the "Compact View = unchecked"

Posts: 302
Joined: 07/27/2010
Posted: 07/27/2014 07:39:17
I've discovered a way to 100 percent of the time reproduce this Title/Button problem in Firefox. Have enabled at least two title buttons in AWM enabled. Take Firefox and have it with WindowState = Normal (so you have the frame where you can size it). The AWM added title buttons should be displayed correctly at this point. Now within Firefox add as many 'new' tabbed web sessions as it takes for the tabbed sessions to completely fill the entire width of Firefox (and it is assumed the width of Firefox is the same size as the width of your monitor for this to work). You need to have enough tabbed web sessions in Firefox to have the "> + \/" displayed. NOW, maximize Firefox, and you will have the AWM title buttons covering Firefox's "> + \/" area which makes it almost impossible to select "> + \/" which is below the AWM title buttons.

Can you reproduce?

As always, thanks guys!

Alexander Mihalkin

Posts: 502
Joined: 04/21/2014
Posted: 07/28/2014 14:25:28
Thank you for your message, Zardoz!

Yes, it reproduces all the time. But it seems to be the normal behavior, because when you maximize Firefox, it moves the tabs to the top of the window and they take the window title space. So, I assume this behavior isn't related to the issue. The same happens for Chrome, for example.

Best regards.

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