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Topic: «Actual Window Manager 4.3 beta 1 is available! , Windows Vista support and much more » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 12485
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 11/29/2006 08:06:28
Actual Tools has released the 1st beta version of Actual Window Manager 4.3.

Here is the short list of changes and improvements:

[ ! ] This release is fully compatible with Windows Vista!
[ ! ] Now the title buttons are displayed correctly in Windows Vista (the basic UI only, not Aero).
[ ! ] Now all the configuration files are stored in user's profile (in the folder like "%UserProfile%\ApplicationData\ActualTools\ActualWindowManag­er").
[ * ] Now the title buttons are displayed correctly for the non-standard sizes.
[ * ] The old known issue with the Lotus Notes client's crash at startup is fixed.
[ * ] The known issue with the Internet Explorer 7 crash while saving the configuration is fixed.
[ * ] Now the Internet Explorer windows are correctly processed in Windows Vista.
[ * ] The issue with the Mozilla-based browsers' (like Firefox, Seamonkey etc.) undesired focus switch is partially fixed (the issue is still present in Win9x).
[ * ] The issue of the malfunction of drag-n-drop in the Opera browser is fixed.
[ * ] The issue with the hang-up of Yahoo! Widgets windows is fixed.
[ * ] The visual glitch of Stardock's ObjectDock is fixed.
[ * ] The minimal/maximal window size settings are now correctly maintained in Windows 2003 Server.
[ + ] The ability to automatically reposition windows splitted across several monitors is added; it can be used both in the general multi-monitor environment and when using the multi-monitor client system in the Terminal Server environment.

You can download it here.

I strongly recommend the following way of installation to avoid conflicts with the previous version of AWM:

1) install this beta into a separate folder (for example, "C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager 4.3 beta 1"). Don't run AWM just after the installation!

2) run your current version's Configuration, open the "Options" window and clear the "Load at startup" checkbox

3) copy your current version's WindowRules.ini settings file from the folder where you installed the release version of Actual Window Manager ("C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager" by default) to the folder created at step 1

4) run the beta version's Configuration, open the "Options" window and mark the "Load at startup" checkbox

5) restart you PC!
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1450
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 12/16/2006 01:22:12
This beta version is expired. Please update it to the 4.3 release version.

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