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Topic: «AWM 4.2 beta 2 window processing , Doesn't always work... » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 9846
Advanced user
Posts: 141
Joined: 04/11/2005
Posted: 09/21/2006 14:38:46
I just installed 4.2 beta 2, and now, when I open windows that have size/position rules, they are almost never applied.

In other words, when I run an application, its window should be moved/sized, but it is not.  With 4.2 beta 1, this problem didn't happen.

I reinstalled 4.2 beta 1, and this works fine once again.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 09/22/2006 03:31:34
We have tried to change the window extenstion strategy in beta 2 which might reduce the lag between the window appearance and the rule application. These changes were made in the core mechanism and it seems something was broken. We restore the previous strategy in the release version so it will work normally.
Robert Richards
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Posted: 09/22/2006 10:32:06
beta 2 problems.  Loaded yesterday and conflicted with Objectdock plus and other programs.  Windows and programs would not close (Palm desktop and outlook express).  (Similar to beta 1 where mouse and keyboard froze and would require reboot.  Task manager was gone)  Had to hard reboot to get out.  Took beta 2 out of startup and computer worked fine.  Loaded objectdock plus and beta 2 later.  Seemed to work fine at that point.  Even got to post this.

Tobiel Sayre
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Posted: 09/25/2006 11:40:37
Up to build 4.1 which I am using while writing in general I got best results with loading the following 4 programs in THIS specific order as follows:

First other additional window managers, normally not necessary but I still like the additional drag window from anywhere, not just title bar by holding both mouse buttons pressed while dragging in another program

THEN ActWinMan

THEN WindowFX for 3d colorshadows, exploding or elevator door etc scripts on drag, minimization etc.

AND FINALLY, always LAST Object Dock.

If my autostart order does not work clean after a boot prefetch.ini reset or when its too full and needs another nuking, I just close all 4 apps and manually start in MENTIONED order, then its all fine.

Every once and a while because of all my other freaky programs being resident and interacting /27 tray icons before doing anything special - explorer needs shutdown giving a messy sort of mini-restart in which case my process managers and objectdock´s systray both show me better what icons should be in systray instead of what seems left in tray after crash but this whole thing is almost surely NOT the fault of ActWinMan itself, at all. This whole symptom is almost completely evitable by not working directly after a cold start but instead first an additional software triggered warm restart after the typical first hardware cold start of a session´s which also makes my firewalls and webcams and loggers display and work better in general (different on laptop and tower, but same thing applies). Most sessions of mine last for hours excepting install/deinstall and maintenance jams so that pays off and only then can I see what might be left to treat or watch as far as buggish like things are concerned.

But as soon as I start Object Dock or WindowFX first, I am making it hard on myself. Which might be my install configs, though. ;)

2 more things round up the tips for users combining these things:

- Before SHUTDOWN (for me always better software triggered, normally not with hardware button unless special events or crashes call for alternatives) always first unload CURSORXP, then ObjectDock manually before shutting down system completely, otherwise mess on restart

- AND often your config has changed or other processes have sort of handicapped ObjectDock which always wants or needs to dominate a bit and in my case has shortcuts to many things that might have changed in a session plus messy interactions from active desktop apps, sysmetrix setting etc for which I put exclusions in ActWinMan and my other window handler, at least partially make the current theme in Object not only malfunctional on next startup but also impede shutdown the clean way or torpedo it unless violently unblocked with process terminating tricks so after longer sessions or installments ALWAYS save to a new ObjectDock Theme and call that up before exiting session and see to it that nothing that is not always belonging in systray like browsers, normal apps opened and closed manually ARE CLOSED while you save to that new theme. This prevents a lot more messes if you have a lot of graphically advanced stuff active at once in general animationwise :idea:  

SATYROBE/TAXIFUNK/Tobiel Sayre registered user; non-staff

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