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Topic: «awm taskbar autohiding » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 15955
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/21/2012 00:32:56
The Windows Native Taskbar and AWM Taskbar “auto-hide” time related behavior is different.

Taskbar already HIDDEN and is DISPLAYED (auto-hide)
Windows = faster
AWM = slower, perhaps ~2-3ms

Taskbar already DISPLAYED and is HIDDEN (auto-hide)
Windows = faster
AWM = perhaps factor of 2 or 3 times slower
- Zardoz2293, the problem has been fixed. The fix will be available in the next update.

The AWM taskbar often fails to appear when I mouse over it (I have mine set to the bottom of my monitor). I can usually just see the top of the taskbar but it won't appear when I drag my mouse down below the bottom of the screen. There's no rhyme nor reason to this as far as which programs are running. I agree, it could be a delay issue. Not sure.

How can I test or further investigate this?
- Michael, could you try to trace what steps cause the problem appearing?

PS a related on-going issue is that IE9, when running on the secondary monitor (with AWM taskbar), will often maximize under the taskbar, meaning that that the IE status bar, which I have enabled, is then hidden beneath the taskbar
- Michael, I was unable to reproduce this. Could you give me a step by step description of how to reproduce this?

NOTE: Forgot to state the delay or action time in AWM's Taskbar "Start" where you hover over the logo -- the highlight / light ray effect is way too fast relative to the Windows Native where it is much slower, the Native is superior in all of these timings rates, for all different reasons. Try it yourself again and again, and you will not only see the difference but the 'smoothness' of the Native implementation. I'm sure there are registry entries for all of these millisecond timings.
- Zardoz2293, this problem has been confirmed. We'll try to fix this.

Best regards.
Michael Plant
Posts: 51
Joined: 10/13/2009
Posted: 02/21/2012 08:58:17
Agreed, Zardoz2293. Another point that bothers me is the "senstitivity" of the AWM Peek feature. I'll hover the mouse over an icon on the AWM taskbar and get a popup showing the three pages or tabs I have open in Word or IE or what have you and often find in trying to interact with the popups that they disappear to easily. Don't have this problem on the native taskbar.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/22/2012 20:33:38
Michael, could you send me ( screenshots of the problem described above and a step-by-step description of how to reproduce this?

Best regards.
Michael Plant
Posts: 51
Joined: 10/13/2009
Posted: 02/24/2012 10:16:38
Hi Vasily,

Will do! Have been sick the past couple of days. Will try to get to this later today.



EDIT: nevermind. At the moment, I can't replicate this - beta 2 seems to have solved the problem *or* I haven't hit upon the combination of running apps to trigger it.
Michael Plant
Posts: 51
Joined: 10/13/2009
Posted: 03/06/2012 17:43:17
FWIW, I am still experiencing the issue of the taskbar failing to appear on mouseover. I have tried to determine what variables are common whenever this occurs, but can't identify any.

The issue of programs running "under" the taskbar has been solved on my end by running AWM taskbar set to auto-hide. My issue now is that I can either accept the occasional failure of the taskbar to popup on mouseoever or programs not aligning themselves correctly to the taskbar (ie, the - lower in my case - boundary of the program window is behind the taskbar rather than above it. Can't id a common variable here, either. So far the issue occurs with IE9, Office 2010, Feeddemon Pro and Office 2010.

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