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Topic: «BUGS in AWM 6.8. beta 1 » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 43569
Bertram Vogel
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Posted: 01/14/2012 10:50:40

the last couple of days i tested different softwares for using multiple monitors and improving the window management and i think i will stick to Actual Window Manager, because it has so many great features!

I am using Windows XP SP3 and the latest BETA of AWM (AWM 6.8. Beta 1).

1) Excel 2003
[-] Excel 2007/2010 workbooks did not activate after clicking their corresponding buttons/preview thumbnails in secondary taskbars.
I just wanted to state that this applies also to Excel 2003: I was not able to switch between workbooks in AMM 3.4.2. but now it works (using AWM 6.8. Beta 1). (So this is not a problem anymore.)

The Problem with the windows not minimzing (described here: also does not work in Excel 2003.

There is an additional problem with Excel 2003 (and maybe also 2007/2010) regarding the Window-RightClick-menu. When right-clicking a button/preview thumbnail on a secondary taskbar, the worksheet is not activated. The window-right-click-menu is shown, but because the worksheet is not activated, the commands from the menu do not work (for example Clicking on "Close" does not close the worksheet). If i manually activate the worksheet first (by leftclicking) and right-click then, all the commands work.

2) Disable Rollup
In the Window Menu there is an option to "Disable rollup" ("Options" -> "Window Rollup" -> "Disable rollup"). If i check this, i can still rollup the window by using the command from the window menu ("roll up") or using the corresponding Title-Button. It however does prevent the window from being automatically "rolled up if inactive" (If the option under "Window Settings" --> "Rollup" is checked). If this option is actually made for this function you should rename it from "Disable rollup" to "Disable automatic rollup".

Note: With the command "Disable minimization" ("Options" -> "AltMin" -> "Disable minimization") it is just the other way round. It DOES prevent me from minimizing the window by using the "Minimize to Tray/Screen" command from the window menu or using the corresponding Title-Button. But it does NOT prevent the window from being minimized automatically after deactivation (if this option is checked under "Window Settings" --> "Minimizing").

These two options seem just a bit confusing to me. Maybe there should be 4 options:
"Disable rollup" (under "Options" -> "Window rollup")
"Disable automatic rollup" (under "Options" -> "Window rollup")
"Disable AltMin" (under "Options" -> "Altmin")
"Disable automatic minimization" (under "Options" -> "Window minimization")

3) AltMin-Options
If i have the "AltMin"-command in the WindowMenu there is also automatically an options submenu ("Options" -> "AltMin"). This submenu should also appear if i have the "AltMin"-TitleButton but NOT the "AltMin"-command in the WindowMenu. (This should also apply to all similar cases)

4) AeroSnap
The Hotkeys "Snap to left half" and "Snap to right half" only work when AeroSnap is enabled. I don't want to use AeroSnap, but i do want to use these hotkeys. Is this possible?

5) Show Hidden Windows
If think the name of the hotkey-command "Show hidden windows" is a bit confusing, because there is no way to actually hide a window with AWM (i searched for this feature because of the name of this hotkey...). This hotkey actually shows a list of the windows minimized to tray/screen, which is great! But the command should be renamed to "Show windows minimized to tray/screen".

There is also a bug with this list and windows minimized to screen:
If i minimize a window to screen, then use the hotkey to show the list of hidden windows and then click on the corresponding entry, the window is restored, but the button is not removed from the desktop.

Also it would be nice if there was a separator in the list between windows minimized to tray and windows minimized to screen.

Thanks for this great program, hope i could help and keep up the good work  :)

EDIT because of newly released AWM 7.0 Beta 1:
Minimzing Excel 2003 Worksheets by Clicking on the Button in the Taskbar now works.
Bertram Vogel
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Posts: 64
Joined: 01/14/2012
Posted: 01/15/2012 11:51:55
There is also a bug with this list and windows minimized to screen:
If i minimize a window to screen, then use the hotkey to show the list of hidden windows and then click on the corresponding entry, the window is restored, but the button is not removed from the desktop.

After playing around with the settings a bit i found out this occurs only in a specifc scenario:
1. Under "Window Settings" --> "Window Menu" the Option "AltMin" has to be checked.
2. Open a Window (for example notepad.exe)
3. In the Window Menu sel ect "Options" -> "AltMin" -> "Minimize on Screen"
4. This results in the Window minimzing to screen
5. Use the the Hotkey "Show hidden windows" and select the notepad-window fr om the list.
6. The window is restored, but the icon remains on the screen.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/16/2012 00:58:23
Hello Bertram,

Thanks for the post.

There is an additional problem with Excel 2003 (and maybe also 2007/2010) regarding the Window-RightClick-menu. When right-clicking a button/preview thumbnail on a secondary taskbar, the worksheet is not activated. The window-right-click-menu is shown, but because the worksheet is not activated, the commands from the menu do not work (for example Clicking on "Close" does not close the worksheet). If i manually activate the worksheet first (by leftclicking) and right-click then, all the commands work.
- The problem has been confirmed. We'll try to fix it.

Disable Rollup
In the Window Menu there is an option to "Disable rollup" ("Options" -> "Window Rollup" -> "Disable rollup"). If i check this, i can still rollup the window by using the command from the window menu ("roll up") or using the corresponding Title-Button. It however does prevent the window from being automatically "rolled up if inactive" (If the option under "Window Settings" --> "Rollup" is checked). If this option is actually made for this function you should rename it from "Disable rollup" to "Disable automatic rollup".

Note: With the command "Disable minimization" ("Options" -> "AltMin" -> "Disable minimization") it is just the other way round. It DOES prevent me from minimizing the window by using the "Minimize to Tray/Screen" command from the window menu or using the corresponding Title-Button. But it does NOT prevent the window from being minimized automatically after deactivation (if this option is checked under "Window Settings" --> "Minimizing").

These two options seem just a bit confusing to me. Maybe there should be 4 options:
"Disable rollup" (under "Options" -> "Window rollup")
"Disable automatic rollup" (under "Options" -> "Window rollup")
"Disable AltMin" (under "Options" -> "Altmin")
"Disable automatic minimization" (under "Options" -> "Window minimization")
- We'll consider renaming of the "Disable rollup" function to "Disable automatic rollup".

If i have the "AltMin"-command in the WindowMenu there is also automatically an options submenu ("Options" -> "AltMin"). This submenu should also appear if i have the "AltMin"-TitleButton but NOT the "AltMin"-command in the WindowMenu. (This should also apply to all similar cases)
- We'll consider this too.

The Hotkeys "Snap to left half" and "Snap to right half" only work when AeroSnap is enabled. I don't want to use AeroSnap, but i do want to use these hotkeys. Is this possible?
- You could use a workaround with the following settings on the "Actual Window Manager -> Actions -> Options -> Triggers -> Hotkeys" pane:
1. Add the "Align" action with the "Win+left arrow" hotkey and aligned to the "top-left" position;
2. Add the "Resize" action also with the "Win+left arrow" hotkey and width = 50% of current monitor and height = 100 % of current monitor;
3. Add the "Align" action with the "Win+right arrow" hotkey and aligned to the "top-right" position;
4. Add the "Resize" action also with the "Win+right arrow" hotkey and width = 50% of current monitor and height = 100 % of current monitor.
Win+Left = the same behavior as the "Snap to left" action;
Win+Right = the same behavior as the "Snap to right" action.

Show Hidden Windows
If think the name of the hotkey-command "Show hidden windows" is a bit confusing, because there is no way to actually hide a window with AWM (i searched for this feature because of the name of this hotkey...). This hotkey actually shows a list of the windows minimized to tray/screen, which is great! But the command should be renamed to "Show windows minimized to tray/screen".
- We'll consider renaming of the command.

After playing around with the settings a bit i found out this occurs only in a specifc scenario:
1. Under "Window Settings" --> "Window Menu" the Option "AltMin" has to be checked.
2. Open a Window (for example notepad.exe)
3. In the Window Menu sel ect "Options" -> "AltMin" -> "Minimize on Screen"
4. This results in the Window minimzing to screen
5. Use the the Hotkey "Show hidden windows" and select the notepad-window fr om the list.
6. The window is restored, but the icon remains on the screen.
- I can't reproduce the problem. Could you send me your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> File -> Send Configuration -> Send to the Tech Support)?

Also it would be nice if there was a separator in the list between windows minimized to tray and windows minimized to screen.
- We'll consider this.

Best regards.
Bertram Vogel
Advanced user
Posts: 64
Joined: 01/14/2012
Posted: 01/18/2012 15:32:42
- You could use a workaround with the following settings on the "Actual Window Manager -> Actions -> Options -> Triggers -> Hotkeys" pane:
1. Add the "Align" action with the "Win+left arrow" hotkey and aligned to the "top-left" position;
2. Add the "Resize" action also with the "Win+left arrow" hotkey and width = 50% of current monitor and height = 100 % of current monitor;
3. Add the "Align" action with the "Win+right arrow" hotkey and aligned to the "top-right" position;
4. Add the "Resize" action also with the "Win+right arrow" hotkey and width = 50% of current monitor and height = 100 % of current monitor.
Win+Left = the same behavior as the "Snap to left" action;
Win+Right = the same behavior as the "Snap to right" action.

This works fine, thank you!

- I can't reproduce the problem. Could you send me your configuration files (Actual Window Manager -> File -> Send Configuration -> Send to the Tech Support)?
I am now using AWM 7.0 beta 1, but the problem still occurs.
I sent you my configuration files. Here a (hopefully working) way to reproduce the problem:
1. open notepad.exe
2. right-click on the titlebar of the window and in the window-menu select "Options" -> "AltMin" -> "Minimize on screen"
  -> the notepad-window is minimized on screen
3. right-click on the system-tray icon of AWM an select "Unhide" -> "Unhide All"
  -> the notepad-window is restored, but the icon stays on the screen

I'm using Windows XP Professional SP3 32-bit.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/18/2012 22:39:59
Hello Bertram,

Thanks for the response.

The problem has been confirmed.

We'll try to fix it.

Best regards.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/23/2012 22:14:33
Bertram Vogel wrote:

There is an additional problem with Excel 2003 (and maybe also 2007/2010) regarding the Window-RightClick-menu. When right-clicking a button/preview thumbnail on a secondary taskbar, the worksheet is not activated. The window-right-click-menu is shown, but because the worksheet is not activated, the commands from the menu do not work (for example Clicking on "Close" does not close the worksheet). If i manually activate the worksheet first (by leftclicking) and right-click then, all the commands work.

Bertram, this bug appears to be fixed in the 7.0b1. Please could you confirm this?
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/23/2012 23:33:56
Bertram Vogel wrote:

There is also a bug with this list and windows minimized to screen: If i minimize a window to screen, then use the hotkey to show the list of hidden windows and then click on the corresponding entry, the window is restored, but the button is not removed from the desktop.

This bug appeared only if you minimized a window via window menu command, and there's no matter where to minimize - to the tray or to the screen. Now the bug's fixed, you'll get the fix with the next update.
Bertram Vogel
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Posts: 64
Joined: 01/14/2012
Posted: 01/24/2012 08:46:03
Bertram Vogel wrote:

There is an additional problem with Excel 2003 (and maybe also 2007/2010) regarding the Window-RightClick-menu. When right-clicking a button/preview thumbnail on a secondary taskbar, the worksheet is not activated. The window-right-click-menu is shown, but because the worksheet is not activated, the commands from the menu do not work (for example Clicking on "Close" does not close the worksheet). If i manually activate the worksheet first (by leftclicking) and right-click then, all the commands work.

Bertram, this bug appears to be fixed in the 7.0b1. Please could you confirm this?

Sorry, but i can't confirm this. I have this bug also in AWM 7.0b1.
Switching between Excel-Workbooks was fixed in AWM 6.8b1 and minimizing Excel-Workbooks via leftclick was fixed in AWM 7.0b1, but this problem is still there.

Note that this problem only occurs if you have at least two Excel-Workbooks open and both taskbar-buttons are on the secondary taskbar.
Alex Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 01/24/2012 11:37:26
Bertram, sorry - my bad, I haven't checked the fix's date accurately: it was made right after releasing the 7.0 beta 1 so it will appear in the next update only.
Bertram Vogel
Advanced user
Posts: 64
Joined: 01/14/2012
Posted: 02/21/2012 09:53:02
I am now using AWM 7.0 beta 1, but the problem still occurs.
I sent you my configuration files. Here a (hopefully working) way to reproduce the problem:
1. open notepad.exe
2. right-click on the titlebar of the window and in the window-menu sel ect "Options" -> "AltMin" -> "Minimize on screen"
-> the notepad-window is minimized on screen
3. right-click on the system-tray icon of AWM an select "Unhide" -> "Unhide All"
-> the notepad-window is restored, but the icon stays on the screen

Just wanted to confirm this bug is fixed in AWM 7.0 beta 2.

There is an additional problem with Excel 2003 (and maybe also 2007/2010) regarding the Window-RightClick-menu. When right-clicking a button/preview thumbnail on a secondary taskbar, the worksheet is not activated. The window-right-click-menu is shown, but because the worksheet is not activated, the commands fr om the menu do not work (for example Clicking on "Close" does not close the worksheet). If i manually activate the worksheet first (by leftclicking) and right-click then, all the commands work.

This bug is also fixed in AWM 7.0 beta 2.

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