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Topic: «Win7 aero peek prob with FF8 and 6.8 beta1 » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 4433
Cameron Arnoitt
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Joined: 01/01/2012
Posted: 01/01/2012 02:08:40
it took me quite a while to work out that what my problem was as sometimes I'd minimise firefox8 to the taskbar and it would restore ok. and others it would make a little window on my screen just with the title of the sites tab I'd tried to restore

it seems if i just click on the FF9.1 icon in the bar it restores as expected. However if I hover over that aero peek thumbnail of the tab I want to view from the taskbar then Bang. it just opens up the empty SMALL window just with that tabs name as its title

I think that the same problem would also exists in vista.

I don't know if the stable version also has this problem.

Hope this helps (maybe even score me a free copy ? :) )

edit: Firefox 9.1 sorry

also the tool tips in FF9.1 are huge boxes now with thiis software

and in the win7 with aero turned on sometimes the buttons don't display eg: on notice requestors, the buttons are there and seem to work just can't see them
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 01/03/2012 21:42:10
Hello Cameron,

Thanks for the post.

it seems if i just click on the FF9.1 icon in the bar it restores as expected. However if I hover over that aero peek thumbnail of the tab I want to view from the taskbar then Bang. it just opens up the empty SMALL window just with that tabs name as its title
- The problem has been confirmed. We'll try to fix it.

also the tool tips in FF9.1 are huge boxes now with thiis software

and in the win7 with aero turned on sometimes the buttons don't display eg: on notice requestors, the buttons are there and seem to work just can't see them
- Could you send me ( screenshots of these problems?

Best regards.
Cameron Arnoitt
Registered user
Posts: 2
Joined: 01/01/2012
Posted: 01/04/2012 11:03:29
Sure thing.

images emailed

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