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Topic: «
v6.8 beta 1 suggestions
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Beta Testing
Views: 8355
Chris Miller
12/15/2011 23:08:47
First... LOVE the new updates guys. Excellent work!!!
I have some suggestions pertaining to the Desktop Divider.
1) Give it a hotkey like SHFT+WIN+<left or right arrows> built into Win7 to move windows around per the screen dividers. Could be an assignable hotkey like SHIFT+ALT+WIN+<left, right, up, or down>. That way we can freely move a window along the divers, not just by the built in, per monitor. MaxTo does this and it's invaluable to moving windows around quickly with the keyboard, so you don't have to go reaching for a mouse to do it.
2) Add an option to the Windows Settings TAB under Position and/or Size sections to use desktop divider settings as possible locations. For example, do it like you do under Position for "Move at startup to monitor", you could have a "Move at startup to divider". Give a button that you can have it "identify" the section by number, and then they can choose that number fr om the list.
3) Add the ability to create Taskbar's per vertical divider, or more specifically the ability to add Taskbars over seperately defined list of dividers. For example, I have 4 monitors, 3 are an SLI-surround gaming setup working as a single monitor, while the 4th is independent. If I divide all 4 monitors so that each has one vertical divider, I want one Taskbar PER monitor on the surround gaming setup, but I want two Taskbar's on the 4th independent monitor. So the first Taskbar would cover Sections 1 and 2 of Monitor 1, second would cover Sections 3 and 4 of monitor 2, third would cover Sections 5 and 6 of monitor 3, fourth Taskbar would cover Section 7 of monitor 4, and Taskbar 5 would cover Section 8 of monitor 4. Basically independent distribution of Taskbars. Another option might be to set a minimum and/or maximum size for a Taskbar to show up automatically, etc.
On another note. I've been able on my 3 monitor SLI surround to lim it how WMP opens by restricting the Full Screen content to just 1 monitor, and that works great. I can not get Full Screen Flash content restricted though. While WMP is a seperate process, it looks like Flash is hidden within the iexplorer.exe process itself. If you play any Flash content full screen and use the Target instead of the window list and target the Flash process you do get a Window class and caption that refers specifically to Flash, but because the process is not listed anywhere in the system, it doesn't seem to work restrict anything. Is there anything at all you can do to uncover the hidden process so that Full Screen Flash content can be restricted to a specific monitor instead of all 3 monitors?
That's all I can think of for now.
Vasiliy Ivachev
12/16/2011 01:18:23
Hello Chris,
Thanks for the post.
I have some suggestions pertaining to the Desktop Divider.
1) Give it a hotkey like SHFT+WIN+<left or right arrows> built into Win7 to move windows around per the screen dividers. Could be an assignable hotkey like SHIFT+ALT+WIN+<left, right, up, or down>. That way we can freely move a window along the divers, not just by the built in, per monitor. MaxTo does this and it's invaluable to moving windows around quickly with the keyboard, so you don't have to go reaching for a mouse to do it.
2) Add an option to the Windows Settings TAB under Position and/or Size sections to use desktop divider settings as possible locations. For example, do it like you do under Position for "Move at startup to monitor", you could have a "Move at startup to divider". Give a button that you can have it "identify" the section by number, and then they can choose that number fr om the list.
3) Add the ability to create Taskbar's per vertical divider, or more specifically the ability to add Taskbars over seperately defined list of dividers. For example, I have 4 monitors, 3 are an SLI-surround gaming setup working as a single monitor, while the 4th is independent. If I divide all 4 monitors so that each has one vertical divider, I want one Taskbar PER monitor on the surround gaming setup, but I want two Taskbar's on the 4th independent monitor. So the first Taskbar would cover Sections 1 and 2 of Monitor 1, second would cover Sections 3 and 4 of monitor 2, third would cover Sections 5 and 6 of monitor 3, fourth Taskbar would cover Section 7 of monitor 4, and Taskbar 5 would cover Section 8 of monitor 4. Basically independent distribution of Taskbars. Another option might be to set a minimum and/or maximum size for a Taskbar to show up automatically, etc.
- We'll consider this requests.
On another note. I've been able on my 3 monitor SLI surround to lim it how WMP opens by restricting the Full Screen content to just 1 monitor, and that works great. I can not get Full Screen Flash content restricted though. While WMP is a seperate process, it looks like Flash is hidden within the iexplorer.exe process itself. If you play any Flash content full screen and use the Target instead of the window list and target the Flash process you do get a Window class and caption that refers specifically to Flash, but because the process is not listed anywhere in the system, it doesn't seem to work restrict anything. Is there anything at all you can do to uncover the hidden process so that Full Screen Flash content can be restricted to a specific monitor instead of all 3 monitors?
- The fullscreen mode of flash is included to the list of system exclusions of Actual Window Manager. We'll investigate how can we change this.
Best regards.
12/16/2011 03:02:13
Great suggestions!
Chris Miller
12/16/2011 08:48:02
Something else I thought of for the Taskbar, that kinda goes along with the Divider suggestion above...
Rather then have Taskbar for multi-monitor only on/off. Allow a user to turn a Taskbar on PER monitor. Create a list and have the user choose from that with a checkbox next to each Monitor (or VERTICAL divided section) the user wants a Taskbar on.
Chris Miller
12/16/2011 09:19:11
To kind of explain the whole Taskbar push fr om me, attached is a picture of my PC setup.
While most people use each of those monitors independently, I use the first 3 monitors in SLI Surround Gaming mode (all 3 monitors act as one giant 5760x1080 desktop/monitor). This means that the Taskbar for the "primary" monitor (being those 3) stretches the ENTIRE length of those 3 monitors. So the start button is on the left, while the clock/notifications are all the way over on the right of the 3rd monitor. That's a LOOOONG mouse stroke to get around when I usually only work fr om the middle monitor for Taskbar work.
Also, because of the first 3 monitors being seen as one giant desktop/monitor, whatever you maximize or push to full screen, be it a Window, a Movie played on PowerDVD, etc. It stretches the entire 3 monitors. In the case of Flash, the rendered video is limited to 1920x1080 and shows only on the center monitor, BUT, the entire Flash instance/window strethces the entire 5760x1080 so the side monitors show nothing, they are black and unusable.
What my hope is, if those suggestions are met, I'll be able to set Taskbar per divider region and limit the mouse movement, in that I can make Surround Gaming mode make those monitors act more independently of each other. Getting a seperate Taskbar on each of those 3 monitors, or more in my case ONLY on the middle monitor. Which is why I requested the ability to selective choose which monitor/region gets a Taskbar, rather then an all on/off wh ere they all get them or none get them.
On that note, another idea:
Lim it a program opening on the region/section or monitor of the Taskbar that was used (or closest to). In other words, for my setup, if Taskbar per region was working, and I had an "independent" Taskbar per region for each of the first 3 monitors, if I open a program from the Tasbar on Monitor 1, the program opens on Monitor 1, if I open a program on Tasbar 3 the program opens on Monitor 3, and so on.
Alex Fadeyev
12/16/2011 12:24:45
Chris Miller
Rather then have Taskbar for multi-monitor only on/off. Allow a user to turn a Taskbar on PER monitor.
Chris, this feature is available
since the version 6.6
As for the entire "taskbar push", I have to say that it's very unlikely to be implemented. The current implementation of Desktop Divider is just a convenient tool to organize the workspace. What you are talking about is the emulation of virtual monitors within the desktop. Unfortunately, such emulation requires too much efforts and too deep system integration to provide an acceptable compatibility with numerous software products, whereas the number of possible customers is rather small comparing to the number of users with common multi-monitor configurations.
Sorry, it's a business...
However, your request has been added to our wishlist so, maybe, sometimes...
Chris Miller
12/16/2011 13:07:58
Thanks for the response! I completely understand. What I have works, I would just like to be a lot more then what it is.
Thanks for the on how to hide the Taskbar! I didn't realize that was there. Thanks! So many features, hard to know where they all are.
Again, appreciate all the work you guys do. By far the most utilized utility I own. I can finally say good by to MaxTo!
Chris Miller
02/02/2012 08:20:05
Vasiliy Ivachev wrote:
- The fullscreen mode of flash is included to the list of system exclusions of Actual Window Manager. We'll investigate how can we change this.
Doesn't seem to be working in v7beta2. Can you confirm? Can this be put into the standard exclusions so we have a choice? What was the original issue with Flash that you had to make it a system exclusion?
Vasiliy Ivachev
02/03/2012 01:56:13
Chris, the ShockwaveFlashFullScreen window class has been added to the list of system exclusions of Actual Window Manager because of problems with transparency feature. There was some kind of flickering.
We'll test this with the current version of Flash player and inform you about our results.
Best regards.
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