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Topic: «Winamp stays on main taskbar » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 18614
Affe mit Waffe
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Posted: 07/30/2011 10:48:28
if i move winamp to my 2nd monitor the taskbar button dont follows to the 2nd screen taskbar but stays on the main.

was working perfect before the newest beta.

using AMM 6.6 beta 2 and winamp 5.601
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Posted: 07/30/2011 13:00:27
I can confirm this behavior using AMM 3.3 beta 2 (I guess that's what you meant).
It probably has to do with the custom skinning and non-standard way Winamp displays its main window.
Affe mit Waffe
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Posted: 07/31/2011 10:26:16
today i found the same problem with the window that pops up when u coppy stuff telling u how long it takes.

and i meant AWM(Actual Window Manager) 6.6 beta 2 sorry for the confusion ;)
Alex Fadeyev

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Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 08/03/2011 13:10:38

Please check this issue with the just released final versions of AWM and AMM.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 02/11/2012 09:00:16
This issue is back in AWM 7.0 beta 2, although slightly different. Usually when I drag Winamp to monitor 2 the taskbar button moves along to that monitor, but when I click Winamp's start or stop button the taskbar button moves back to monitor 1, while Winamp stays on monitor 2. Also, if I rightclick the taskbar button and choose "Move to monitor x" nothing happens.

There is also another issue: if I open Winamp on monitor 1 and last time it has been closed on monitor 2, it will open on monitor 2, even though the setting in AWM in the Startup tab is Move to monitor having mouse pointer.

I have seen this behaviour with Winamp 5.623 on Vista Ultimate 32-bit and Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 02/14/2012 00:47:46
Hello Pim,

These problems have been confirmed.

We'll try to fix them.

As workaround you could use the Classic Winamp skin.

Best regards.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 02/15/2012 02:45:47
Thanks for the tip, Vasiliy. I'll do that until the issue is fixed.

Best regards.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 03/15/2012 13:34:48
Hello Vasiliy,

In AWM 7.0 final

when I click Winamp's start or stop button the taskbar button moves back to monitor 1, while Winamp stays on monitor 2.
This has been fixed,

but these issues
if I rightclick the taskbar button and choose "Move to monitor x" nothing happens.
if I open Winamp on monitor 1 and last time it has been closed on monitor 2, it will open on monitor 2, even though the setting in AWM in the Startup tab is Move to monitor having mouse pointer.
still exist.

Best regards.
Vasiliy Ivachev
Posts: 2073
Joined: 11/09/2010
Posted: 03/15/2012 22:35:20
Hello Pim,

Thanks for the message.

We'll try to fix the other problems with Winamp.

Best regards.
Pim Joosten
Posts: 549
Joined: 11/11/2010
Posted: 06/10/2012 11:41:27
Hello Bogdan and Vasiliy,

I do not know about your "fixing schedule" (and I do not want to "overprioritize" the remaining Winamp issues), but I just want to remind you that the remaining bugs are still present in AWM 7.1 beta 3.

I also have a related question. Do you keep track of the bugs in a database and from that database prioritize the bugs to be fixed? If so, how do you prioritize them? After how many months would you like to have a reminder? Occasionally a bug is not solved for a long time, and that then makes me wonder whether it was lost from the bug list somehow and I should send you a reminder.

But thanks anyway for a great program and great support! (Every once in a while I just want to say what a great job you're all doing!  :) )

Best regards.

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