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Topic: «6 Critical Bugs found in Beta 2... , 6 Critical Bugs found in Beta 2... » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 27899
Zack Depp
Posted: 03/28/2006 09:26:11
[ Bugs ]

1) When using "Window Finder", in the popup that pops over a targetted window, the seems to be 2 ":" instead of only one; Example: "Window class:: Winamp..."...

2) In the window list of "Select window from list"; there's two "msnmsgr.exe" which one dosen't have a Window Title... but I only have one of there process running. "Flash window" don't seem to work for one of these two windows. Many others windows seems to have a double occurence in the list; one we can flash and the other one which we can't.

3) In the window list of "Select window from list"; the AWM config window freezes when we press on "flash window".

4) In the "..." button following a window name; while we modify the description, the "OK" button stays disabled!

5) If you have checked the "Hide the Actual Window Manager while using Window Finder" option, then you started dragging the crosshair, the config window disapear but if you then press ALT-TAB on the keyboard, the crosshair disapear and the config window never appear again.

6) I made a "Specific window" for the AWM config window (using only "Program: C:\Program Files\Actual Window Manager 4.0 beta 2\ActualWindowManagerConfig.exe"); The window caption is "TUIMainForm" and window caption "Actual Window Manager" (using "exact match"). I noticed that the title buttons are displayed & working properly but even if they are unchecked for this window, the window menu items that appears in the system menu are those of "All windows". Moreover, if I uncheck "All Windows", we don't see anymore AWM system menu item for this specific window, even if they are checked.

Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/29/2006 04:22:09
Zack, thanks for the another feedback. Let's revise it:

When using "Window Finder", in the popup that pops over a targetted window, the seems to be 2 ":"
Confirmed. Will be fixed.

In the window list of "Select window from list"; there's two "msnmsgr.exe" which one dosen't have a Window Title... but I only have one of there process running. "Flash window" don't seem to work for one of these two windows.
Don't confirmed. Please specify more exact conditions to get such effect. And I'd like to note that there can be service windows that normally don't have any visual presentation so you can't flash them.

In the window list of "Select window from list"; the AWM config window freezes when we press on "flash window".
Don't confirmed. Please note that AWM has two windows and one of them (TApplication window class) is an invisible service one.

In the "..." button following a window name; while we modify the description, the "OK" button stays disabled!
You should leave the edit field to get it right.

If you have checked the "Hide the Actual Window Manager while using Window Finder" option, then you started dragging the crosshair, the config window disapear but if you then press ALT-TAB on the keyboard, the crosshair disapear and the config window never appear again!
Confirmed. Great thanks for this note!

noticed that the title buttons are displayed & working properly but even if they are unchecked for this window, the window menu items that appears in the system menu are those of "All windows". Moreover, if I uncheck "All Windows", we don't see anymore AWM system menu item for this specific window, even if they are checked.
We need your setting file to answer specifically. Thanks in advance.
Zack Depp
Posted: 03/29/2006 09:53:21
Bug #2: Well... It happens when the msn messenger is logged on and the main winodw is shown... the class of the untitled msnmsgr.exe is "MsgrIMEWindowClass" or something like it...

Watch also Winamp... I just have the main window displayed too and still got 2 "winamp.exe"; the untitled one has the class "SysShadow".

Bug #3: No lol The point is that no matter what window your are flashing, the AWM application freezes until flashing is over...

Bug #4: What do you mean by: "You should leave the edit field to get it right. "

Bug #6: I Sent you an email with both ini files I found in the install folder...
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/30/2006 02:50:43
Bug #2: Please specify the versions as for Windows Messenger as for Winamp.

Bug #3: Sorry that I misunderstood you. In this case, it's not a bug: window "freezes" (in other words, becomes busy) because it's doing flashing and therefore can't respond to the outer messages. Consider it as a feature. ;)

Bug #4: I meant that you should leave the "Description" edit field after changing it to get the OK button enabled.

Bug #6: I got it and will answer some time later.
Zack Depp
Posted: 03/30/2006 07:16:51
Bug #2: Msn Version: 7.5.0322, Winamp Version: 2.91

Bug #3: Would'nt it be better tu put some code in a thread here?

Bug #4: Euh... I figure that out... but will every other users will?
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 04/07/2006 02:29:45
Bug #2: Well, as I said before these processes have two top-level windows detected by Window Selector: one of them is a normal window used as a main application window, and another is a hidden service window used for programs's internal needs. Thus, it shouldn't be considered as a bug.

Bug #3: Please clarify this your request. Do you want us to publish the program code doing flashing in this topic or you simply recommend to place this code in a separate OS thread to free the main window?

Bug #4: Yes, it possibly should be fixed. We will think about it.
Zack Depp
Posts: 36
Joined: 02/23/2006
Posted: 04/07/2006 07:00:11
Bug #3: I think that no software's user interfaces should ever freeze during any operation. By that I mean placing the flashing code in a separate OS thread to free the main window. :)
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 04/17/2006 02:24:00
Well, Zack, we will take this your note into account but it seems you are the first who complained about this issue. :)
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 04/17/2006 02:42:14
As for the bug #6, I have checked your configuration files on my PC and have found no problems at all. Please could you check this issue again and in case it is still present describe it more thoroughly? Thanks in advance.
Zack Depp
Posts: 36
Joined: 02/23/2006
Posted: 04/18/2006 07:17:09
Bug #3: It's not a complaint, but just a note... Better fix that sooner than later! :)

Bug #6: The problem is still present, I don't see any other information I could give you here... Would a screenshot help?

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