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Topic: «Where is Beta 4 Version » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 11565
Posted: 03/25/2006 08:19:14
I've been using 3.8 all along. I followed the link to the beta4 download and installed it. However, my AWM still shows 3.8. The GUI looks identical to the old 3.8. What am I missing?  
Campbell Cleland
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Posted: 03/25/2006 21:30:13
Unless you have uninstalled 3.8, you may still be using 3.8. Check your install directory and see if you have both versions?
It is not necessary to uninstall 3.8, but you should disable it from startup, and enable 4.0 startup.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/26/2006 01:50:53
Thanks for the explanation, Campbell. In addition, I'd like to suggest to check the downloaded file name, it should be aim4_beta.exe. We had some download problems, so it's possible the wrong file was downloaded. Sorry for the inconveniences.
Posted: 03/26/2006 08:04:34
The link worked fine today. Now, it does show the aim4_beta.exe file which I did not see all day yesterday. These are my comments on this beta:
- One thing I find severely lacking is the ability to do group-based rules. It is an inconvenience to have to navigate through all the tabs to for each window. I could've created one rule and simply added windows to it.
- To me these is some confusing redundancy in functionality. There is 'alternate minimizing' in 'title buttons' and 'minimize to' in 'minimizing'. Also, there is 'roll/unroll' in 'title buttons' and 'add title button' in 'rollup'. Program needs to stay simple to use.
- In the 'rollup' tab, how come I can check both manual and automatic rollup at same time. This is conceptually confusing. I would suggest to change the wording of 'manual rollup' to 'Enable rollup by double clicking title bar' Usually, manual and automatic are mutually exclusive terms.

- The whole roll/unroll setup, in my opinion, is inefficient. This is what I suggest instead. Leave the option to manually roll/unroll any way you like by using on title bar or the title bar button. Add an option to enable auto roll/unroll. This option however, will only work if user manually rolled up a window. In other words, once a user manually rollup a window, pointing or clicking it will unroll it (if user enabled option). If user manually unrolls window, the automatic rollup features gets disabled automatically. This will solve to problems: First, it will prevent applications from rolling up simply because one of their children dialoge boxes pops up e.g. when I copy a file in total commander, the appearance of the animated copy box, rolls up total commander window, this should not happen. Second, it will give the chance to keep a window rolled down to compare it to another window even though it is not active. The beta and the older release both lack in this area.

- There is a behavior I really do not understand. If you enable auto roll with mouse hover roll/unroll, clicking on windows body while unrolled will not cause it to stay unrolled, you have to manually unroll it. This can be fixe, I think.
- Is there a way to add mouse hover functionality to minimized icon on screen edge.

Sorry of the lengthy input. I do believe after checking almost every similar product out there, that AWM is truly best in its category. Hope you find these remarks helpful.  
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/29/2006 03:57:03
One thing I find severely lacking is the ability to do group-based rules. It is an inconvenience to have to navigate through all the tabs to for each window. I could've created one rule and simply added windows to it.
Maybe, in such case you should use the All Windows only? But, of course, we're thinking about the implementation of the rules' grouping and will implement it in the near future releases.

To me these is some confusing redundancy in functionality. There is 'alternate minimizing' in 'title buttons' and 'minimize to' in 'minimizing'. Also, there is 'roll/unroll' in 'title buttons' and 'add title button' in 'rollup'. Program needs to stay simple to use.
We tried to group the related options into the subject panels. That's why "Minimizing" panel has all the options related to window minimization including the options for the title button and the window menu item . In its turn, both the title buttons and window menu items are the separate functionality parts and therefore have their own UI panels. As for the "Minimize to" option, it has the different meaning than the "Alternative Minimizing" option for "Title Buttons": it overrides the standard "Minimize" title button behavior.

In the 'rollup' tab, how come I can check both manual and automatic rollup at same time. This is conceptually confusing. I would suggest to change the wording of 'manual rollup' to 'Enable rollup by double clicking title bar' Usually, manual and automatic are mutually exclusive terms.
Actually, they are not. It's possible to have the automatic rollup, then activate window (it will be unrolled) and while it's active use the manual rollup/unroll for some reason (e.g. to see its underlying windows).

The whole roll/unroll setup, in my opinion, is inefficient.
Thanks for the interesting suggestion, we'll consider it.

There is a behavior I really do not understand. If you enable auto roll with mouse hover roll/unroll, clicking on windows body while unrolled will not cause it to stay unrolled, you have to manually unroll it. This can be fixe, I think.
Please could you describe the effect more specifically? I've just checked this with the Notepad window and while window stays active it's unrolled.

Is there a way to add mouse hover functionality to minimized icon on screen edge
Currently no but thanks for the interesting suggestion.

Sorry of the lengthy input. I do believe after checking almost every similar product out there, that AWM is truly best in its category. Hope you find these remarks helpful.
Thank you very much for the appreciation and for the valuable feedback. Hope you'll continue to provide us with another ones.
Posted: 03/30/2006 08:09:41
Please could you describe the effect more specifically? I've just checked this with the Notepad window and while window stays active it's unrolled.
1- create a rule for notepad
2- in rollup setup, check automatic rollup.
3- Uncheck auto unroll
4- check temporary mouse hover
5- Make it inactive
6- notepad should rollup
7- Hover over title bar to unroll (no click)
8- move mouse to windows body and click.
9- you'll see window unroll again.
10- clicking the body should've done it i.e. kept it unrolled.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/31/2006 04:43:53
Thanks for the explanation. Did I understand you correctly that window is kept unrolled while it stays active and you simply don't like the additional "flashing" unrolling which appears after clicking the body?
Posted: 03/31/2006 08:50:45
The 'flashing' is not what I meant ,but I did notice it and it feels a kind of awkward. I would rather have it eliminated if possible.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1429
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 04/07/2006 02:10:44
Well, if the "flashing" is not what you meant then could you describe more exactly what did you mean really?

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