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Topic: «Beta 2 Bugs & Suggestions - REVISED , Excluded Window disabled options, new window defaults, priority button » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 9043
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Posted: 03/18/2006 14:51:33
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/23/2006 09:56:57
while other times I have to actually hover the mouse over the title bar of the application window for it to take on the transparency.
Actually, "mouse hover" feature should work only when window is inactive. Anyway, try to detect the more exact conditions of the disfunction you've mentioned.

I receive the following error: "Invalid variant type conversion."
It's a known bug, will be fixed until the final release.

After saving any AWM settings, erratic behavior occurs with transparency settings (other window settings, such as "Stay On Top", are not affected and remain in effect).
It seems to be a feature, not bug. :) But we'll consider this your note.

When in the Excluded Windows section and highlighting a specific excluded window, and then selecting the main Window menu, the following options are disabled (grayed out):
Actually, the main menu/toolbar "Window" functions are related to Specific Windows. You can make sure of it yourself. That's why when you stand on Excluded Windows these commands are disabled. It its turn, Excluded Windows toolbar is related to Excluded Windows so all its buttons are enabled.

Perhaps new window defaults could inherit all their settings (not just the Window Menu settings, but other functions' settings as well) from the "All Windows" settings instead
We've come to the same idea too, so as many of another AWM users. There's a great possibility this feature will be implemented until the 4.0 final release.

It would nice if the "Change Program Priority" title button toggled between the preset value and its value prior to selecting it
This has sense. Will be considered.

It would be more convenient to have the "Specific Windows" section display expanded at the start up of the configuration window
Will be done until the final release.

It would be nice if newly added windows would be placed into correct alphabetical order in the "Specific Windows" section right away, or at least if the list would be automatically alphabetized when opening the configuration window each time.
Another reasonable suggestion. Maybe, not in 4.0 but in the following releases.

It would be equally helpful to have a similar tool available for the Window Position function as well
Will be considered.

I keep expecting to be able to get a right-click context menu when I right-click on a window in either the "Excluded Windows" or "Specific Windows" sections.
Thanks for the pointing this overlook! :)

A great additional feature for the Closing options section would be to have an option that forcibly closes application processes that do not close gracefully or immediately after the application window is closed.
Don't think it's very useful. It's a dangerous feature because applications can have their own reasons to do something after closing their main window, so enforced termination could result in data loss.

Just wondering what the latest is on this, as this feature would add an additional "visual appeal" to the transparency function.
There's a 99,9% probability that this feature won't be included into 4.0, sorry. And be patient. :)

Overall, very impressed with Beta 2. Great work!
Nice to hear it! :) Please keep providing us with such a valuable feedback.
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Posts: 90
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Posted: 03/23/2006 14:45:43
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/30/2006 03:13:36
Regarding the "mouse hover" issue
Nick, thanks for such a detailed testing and comment. We'll take it into account and try to improve the mouse hover behavior.

Just want to make another appeal for the terminated process closing feature.
I'm still not convinced that the profit of such feature is greater than its possible harm but also ready to hear another users' opinions on this subject.

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