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Topic: «Problem with Ghost mode and Skype , Ghost mode causes Skype to get upset » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 11137
David Lomas
Posts: 377
Joined: 03/16/2006
Posted: 03/16/2006 09:00:31
Using AWM beta 2 and Skype, there seems to be a problem with the way ghost mode interacts with the way Skype handles its main window.

Using the skype window menu and choosing Ghost does what I expect, but the menu in the taskbar for Skype doesn't then put a tick next to Ghost mode, so there's no way to turn ghost mode off.

Secondly, turning ghost mode on from the taskbar puts the tick mark on the menu, but doesn't set ghost mode on the main skype window.

It seems that Skype uses a very small 'dummy' window which you can get to see by following this process:

1. Open the main skype window (e.g. by launching skype)
2. From the _taskbar_, select 0% transparency
3. Double click the taskbar icon (causing the skype window to disappear)
4. Click the skype taskbar icon again, and both the main skype window and the small dummy window should appear

Perhaps skype is already using transparency to hide this dummy window? In any case, the taskbar icon does not seem to reference the main skype window, but the small dummy one - hence selecting ghost mode from the taskbar is not the same as doing so from the main skype window (same goes for all other functions - change size, etc.)

Hope that makes sense - please let me know if you need more info to reproduce.
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/23/2006 08:03:59
David, thanks for the interesting information. I've just checked this issue myself and have to admit that you're right. By the way, to make sure that Skype's taskbar entry has no relation to its main window you should right-click as the main window title as the taskbar entry. In former case you'll see the "Modify window rule" item in the context menu assuring that there exists a correct Specific Window rule, and in latter case there will be the "Create window rule" item in the context menu assuring that the taskbar entry corresponds to another window. But, unfortunately, I can't see how can we help in such specific case. Do you have any suggestions?
Posted: 03/23/2006 08:40:41
Yes, the menu item on the skype windows says 'Modify window rule' and the taskbar icon menu says 'Create windows rule', which I guess proves that they're talking about different windows. No idea why this would be the way the Skype chaps have coded the thing, but looking at the number of major problems with Skype that aren't being fixed, I doubt there's much point persuing them about it.

My guess is that the dummy window associated with the taskbar icon is simply passing a few window messages through to the main skype window to open/close/minimise, etc. But when AWM queries it for its window class, etc. it returns data for the dummy window rather than the main one. And whatever messages you're passing via the taskbar icon to enable ghost mode, it doesn't pass them through to the main skype window.

To fix this, I guess you'd need to speak directly to the skype developers, but exactly how you'd do this I don't know. You could try contacting them via the skype forum at I suppose.


Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1452
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/23/2006 09:06:17
Well, Dave, the problem is understood, so we'll try to find some way to solve it. Thanks again for the important note about it.

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