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Topic: «Start Menu Gone, Arrows in Toolbar, Misc Suggestions , Start Menu Gone, Arrows in Toolbar, Misc Suggestions » on forum: Beta Testing   Views: 12093
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Posted: 02/28/2006 13:33:40
Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/02/2006 11:01:44
Thanks for the feedback, let's look through it:

Start Menu in Window XP will no longer display
I need your settings to find the reason of this issue. Please, send them to the address in my signature.

Actual Window Manager window itself does not save size and position
It necessarily will in the 4.0 final.

The arrows in the toolbar appear on the left and the right even when there are no additional buttons in those respective directions to display.
Yes, there some inconsistence exists. We'll try to fix it until the release.

The "Main" toolbar button seems a bit unnecessary and makes the user interface needlessly complicated, especially for the average lay user.
We'll consider this your note.
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Posted: 03/02/2006 17:33:16
Thanks for your responses. In the first example I had reported, I realize that I had configured some settings for all windows/applications, which makes it very difficult to tell exactly what application or feature was causing the problems. I have since started performing my testing one function at a time, and one feature at a time so that when I encounter problems I will have more specific information for you (and will send you the settings file at such times).

One application I have found some conflictual problems with is the "monitor" portion of Advanced Uninstaller PRO 2005. The "monitor" executable of this application does not typically display a GUI window but when I had some settings configured for all windows, it caused the monitor.exe executable of this application to display a message accross the entire monitor that I was not able to exit out of, forcing me to kill the application. I have since added this application to the excluded applications list.



Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/05/2006 12:04:42
If I'm not mistaking, I've got your settings file and will analyze it in the near future to find the reason of Start Menu disappearance.

The "monitor" executable of this application does not typically display a GUI window but when I had some settings configured for all windows
The current beta exposes some inconsistent options for "All Windows" (I've tried to tell about this issue here). So you've done right.
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Posted: 03/06/2006 13:22:50
Hi Alexey,

Thanks for your responses! Just wanted to make one clarification. The config file I e-mailed to you recently is actually in reference to my posting titled "Bug in Configuring Settings on the AWM Window" in which, after a conguration was set to the AWM window itself, all active windows on my system maximized and several applications began acting erratically, requiring a reboot to resolve the problems. I'd be happy to provide additional information regarding exactly what steps I took to produce this problem.

In terms of the problem of the Start Menu disappearing, that was during the period where I had configured some settings for "All Windows", which I have since stop doing. I did not save that config file but it would be easy enough for me to reproduce that problem if you would like to see a config file in regard to it. Just let me know.

Lastly, I wanted to ask if there are specific functional areas of beta 4 that you would like us to concentrate on or if, at this point, more general comments regarding overall application issues and performance is most appropriate.

Thanks again and keep up the great work! Once you get some of the kinks worked out, this will be shaping up to be a very slick upgrade. :)

Alexey Fadeyev

Posts: 1433
Joined: 09/30/2005
Posted: 03/11/2006 07:25:16

Well, at last I've analyzed your settings regarding undesired windows maximization and answered to you at the certain forum topic.

It would be nice if you reproduce the situation with the Start Menu and either tell me what should I do to get the result or simply mail me your settings again.

There are no special requirements for the test of AWM beta, we accept any feedback regarding it, as for general comments as for specific notes.

We are planning to release the beta update (or beta 2) soon with some bug fixes and changes.

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